It's Amazing Meowth! Part II

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Chapter 21: It's Amazing Meowth! Part II


Since Meowth's hiding spot was discovered, Dr. Pan came in asking if he could study the trinkets Meowth has been carrying. Meowth told him that it no longer had them. Dr. Pan tried to press it for more details but Meowth quickly dismissed him causing Dr. Pan to leave in a dampened state. It was relaxing in the tearoom once again until it heard a stampede running through the halls. Not wanting to stick around Meowth ran outside to hide on the rooftop since the tearoom was clearly no longer safe.

Ash almost forgot about that little detail as he slammed the doors open. His anger was in full bloom blinding him to what was in front of him as he stomped into the room.

"I've had it with you! Let Dr. Pan see them! They don't even belong to you!" "Pika!" He shouted not realizing that the room was empty. The other voices were muffled but Meowth could hear Dr. Idiot pleading with the twerp to not make a fuss.

The half-moon was shining brightly as Meowth enjoyed the night breezes. Suddenly, the wind started to feel oddly cold as some of the lights that lit the sidewalks started to flicker. The grey fog grew thick as the young woman from last night reappeared. She looked at him sadly with big ghostly bluish-grey eyes as she placed a hand over her heart and reached out with her other hand, before turning her attention away. Meowth's body was shot with a strong vibration that was intoxicating as it watched.

"Who are you?" She turned her full attention back onto him at the question and motioned for him to come down. Feeling a strong energy as if it were pulling him, Meowth did just that, this time as he reached her she was still there.

"Who are you?" Meowth tried to ask but its voice failed as if the sensation blocked its ability to talk normally.

(I'm worried.) She said as Meowth looked up at her filled with concern over its inability to speak fluidly.

(My name is Rinora, I'm so worried about the Pokémon and children.) She walked away into the fog and without hesitation, Meowth followed her.


It was morning as Ash and the gang woke up and had breakfast. They were out most of the night but came back with nothing. Milo expressed his gratitude and reassured them that all will be fine and that they can leave by taking the ferry today.

"Diggory will be back soon to help me take care of the matter." He said. "You are under no obligation to help us. I'm sure that your travels through the mountains were a tiresome feat. It must have been a struggle spending all those days when you could have been completing your journey for the league." The gang couldn't help but feel like Milo was trying to push them out the door as nicely as possible.

"But we don't mind staying here to help," Clemont spoke up as they all nodded. "Do you think Meowth may have went missing? I haven't seen it around since yesterday."

The last time anyone has seen it was Dr. Pan asking for the medallion and mask. After he returned to the group all depressed Ash stomped his way into the tearoom ready to give it a friendly reminder of what happens to thieves. But unfortunately Meowth wasn't there and everyone begged him not pursue it any further, for they didn't think it stole those items. Meowth did say it got the medallion during its scavenger hunt and the mask was just being returned. To the best of their knowledge, it may have already returned those items...hopefully. They couldn't find it anywhere in the inn nor did they see it anywhere in town. To have Pokémon and children go missing in the night without a trace was a frightening case. Luckily, none of their own Pokémon went missing. Even though Meowth may not belong to any of them, to know that it was safe would making leaving this town easier.

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