The Amazing Forest!

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Author notes:

He may have been already but Ash may come off a little out of character more so in these next few chapters, I know he is more head strong and normally wouldn't back down so easily, but I'm hoping that the situation that I have put these characters in makes sense why they act the way they do and that this would be their natural reaction. Meowth is already way out of character but head injuries do that to you, so I think its safe to let that slide.

Chapter 13: The Amazing Forest!


They were flying low due to the added weight as they followed Talonflame and Hawlucha. It wasn't long till they started circling up ahead. They flew in closer as they saw a white-furred being on the ground near an unidentified Pokémon.

"MEOWTH! They all shouted. Noivern landed as they all hopped off onto the small grassy field. As Dr. Pan got off of Noivern he couldn't help but notice his unique surroundings, he took off his backpack, pulled out all of his maps and sat down on the ground as he became entranced by his own hypothesizes.

"Meowth, there you are!" Ash yelled as everyone else ran towards it. They discovered that the unidentified Pokémon that they saw from above was a Baltoy who was staring intently at the down casted Pokémon. The Baltoy looked-up as its gaze followed Ash's movements, watching him as he knelt down beside Meowth. Did it lose its balance? Something was not right. Pikachu got off of his shoulder to get a closer look at to what Meowth was holding.

"Meowth," Ash said calmly, Meowth stayed silent as it tried to stay calm. Why were they here? Meowth was hunched over with its head down, trying to hide the medallion as one paw was on the ground squeezing the grass as its claws dug deep into the dirt while listening to the footsteps of the humans gathering around it. Deep down he knew it was a long shot for the twerp's Pokémon to actually follow through and act as if they didn't see him, but he was hoping that their dislike for him was strong enough that they would. He was hoping that they were spiteful enough to leave him lost in the forest. Maybe they were being spiteful. Maybe leading the twerps to him was an act of spite.

"Are you okay?" Ash spoke softly.

"Dr. Pan told me what you did for him. I'm really proud of you." He continued to speak calmly, hoping he could break the silence. However, Meowth didn't move nor acknowledge his presence. Ash tried to see if he could get some eye contact by looking at it from different angles, but to no avail, he sighed.

"Come on Meowth, you can talk to me. You can tell me what's wrong." Is the silent treatment due to not wanting to be found? Did it really want to be on its own?

(What will you do?) Baltoy broke the deafening silence, startling everyone with its rare ability.

"Did that Baltoy just talk? Cool!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"It must be using telepathy," Clemont stated.

Meowth lifted its head to stare at Baltoy with melancholy eyes. It was nothing but silence for everyone as the Pokémon both turned their attention to the rivers. The clouds passed slowly in the distance, the mountain range stretched out for miles as the one river made its way through the gorge. Meowth squeezed the medallion even closer to his chest as if he was aiming to place it inside his own heart.

"Pi, Pikachu?" Pikachu got closer as it sniffed the object in Meowth's paw causing Ash to finally notice it.

"What's that you're holding?" Ash reached out to touch it but was pushed away forcibly.

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