The Anbero Trail

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Author Notes:

Anbero City: Based off of Chambery and Annecy. Remember how Milo said that Anbero City is the pearl of Kalos? Well Annecy was once given the nickname "Pearl of the French Alps."

Savoie/Savory is the name of a Department in is the department for Chambery while Haute-Savoie is the department for Annecy.

Schona: Based off of Teuscher and Valrhona. Teuscher is an old Swiss chocolate company that originated from a town in the Swiss Alps. Valrhona is a French chocolate company that started in the 1920s and they were the first to describe chocolate like they would wine.

I'm no boat expert but I'm guessing the location of where the driving mechanics is taking place is inaccurate but for the sake of the story...I'm defying logic for a brief moment.

Gavata Square:

Gaja is Sanskrit for elephant and Airavata is the white elephant that the Hindu god/deva Indra (God of rain and thunderstorms) rides. Airavata is the king of all elephants. This statue is of a Pokémon that does not exist and is my own creation. It's not very creative; it's just the typical sized elephant. If it weren't a black statue and was introduced as a living thing then maybe it would have a cooler/ more creative design. Like maybe it has stripes, swirls or something like that on its body. Or maybe something shiny like jewels since it's based off of Hinduism and when I think Hinduism I imagine pretty/shiny the stuff you see in mandalas. Typing wise it would definitely have to be water...what it should be paired with I don't know...normal/electric/fairy...I think any would do. I made this Pokémon up because in Chambery there is a monument called "Fontaine des Elephants" (Elephants Fountain) and what we currently have just wouldn't do. (In case you are a reader from the year 2020 or beyond or Pokémon is in generation 30 or beyond, I'm talking about the Phanpy line.) I know Donphan is technically based off of elephants but it's more of a Tapir to me due to its size and I was looking for something big. So I decided to make a elephant based Pokémon that would be bigger.

Chapter 23: The Anbero Trail


Meowth had the roof to himself...finally. The wind was becoming too much for the twerps and they eventually left it alone by moving inside down below. Meowth found itself loving the smell of the fresh air more than before. Smelling the spring water in the river and the bark from the trees was nice. Hearing the leaves shake in the wind as the water splashed against the boat was relaxing. Reconnecting to its roots was probably the only benefit out of this whole ordeal. Looking back, Meowth had to admit it has been surrounded by humans for too long.

"When I find them I should give myself more breaks like this."

It was almost there. Soon it will be in Anbero City. They will be there. They are waiting for it right now, wondering where it has been all this time. Meowth's heart skipped a beat at the thought, soon...very soon. It then remembered that it had those delectable delights in a box from Smeargle. Meowth popped a piece of chocolate into its mouth as it looked inside to see the lemon squares neatly packed.

"Hey," The twerp came back up with Pikachu, "Why don't you come down and join us." He suggested.

"I like being outside."

"I get that but it's really windy up here." "Pikachu." He said as he held onto his hat.

"I think I'm starting to like the wind more. The forest that surrounds this river is dense much like the one before. I do enjoy the fresh smells it provides. I like listening to the sounds that the river makes and the sounds of the leaves in the trees rustling in the wind. It's actually peaceful out here, not at all like a city." It spoke calmly as it took in all the sights around them. The twerp sat down beside it as Pikachu hopped off of his shoulder to sit beside it as well. Meowth popped another piece of chocolate into its mouth as something shiny inside the box caught its eye.

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