The New Moon Approaches

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Chapter 24: The New Moon Approaches


Ash ran outside figuring that would be the best place to start. He walked around the flower garden and spotted the mysterious trio and saw that Anthony was carrying an unconscious Meowth.

"Where do you think you're going with Meowth?" He asked accusingly as it looked like they were about to leave.

"We're taking it to the Pokémon Center," Piper answered. "It was passed out when we found it."

"Hand it over to me, Professor Oak can take care of it." He said as he walked closer to Anthony to forcefully take Meowth out of the suspicious man's arms.


"You caught it!" Professor Oak exclaimed happily.

"No, not exactly," Ash replied.

"What happened to it?" Tracey questioned.

"We found it passed out by the rose bushes," Piper answered sticking to their alibi while Ash continued to eye them suspiciously. Professor Oak took hold of the sleeping feline to inspect it closer. He touched its forehead and checked its breathing to make a quick assessment.

"Well, it was pretty tired looking when I first saw it. The excitement from today may have finally tuckered it out."

"I wish that was the case Professor," Anthony spoke up, cutting into Ash's question.

"I believe that it was attacked. I think the culprits that were behind Team Rocket's disappearance are here in this town." Everyone gasped at the accusation.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet." Professor Oak stated, "I'll take a closer look at it in the lab. I'd like to do some tests on it, in the meantime why don't you all explain to me what has happened."


They all walked back into the conference room that they were in before. There was a lot of time till the evening lectures and a past out Meowth gave the professor the opportunity to study it in the lab that was attached. Everyone including the trio watched him do some basic tests to make sure it was all right.

"Interesting." He said to himself as he stroked the soft fur on its back. "It's certainly softer than most Meowth. It's underweight but that could be due to it being smaller than the average Meowth."

"Smaller? How so? It looks average to me." Clemont stated.

"I mean it must have been a runt when it was born. It's not as noticeable now since it has grown since then but there are a few factors that remain in Pokémon who hatch smaller than average. I would need to compare it to other Meowth to be sure, but so far I can tell that its tail is shorter and its fangs have not grown to their full size." He pulled out an empty poke ball preparing to use it but was stopped as Anthony grabbed his arm.

"My apologies Professor but I can't let you do that." He said.

"Believe me when I say I respect your expertise. You wish to study the intelligence of a free-spirited Pokémon, yes? Capture it now and I can guarantee you it won't be the same. The unique intelligence of this Meowth shouldn't be taken lightly. It should be the one to decide who it wishes to be with." Professor Oak was stunned by this man's interference. Anthony was firm yet gentle with his grip. Professor Oak observed the sleeping feline before him as Anthony's words sunk in. He then placed the poke ball away.

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