It's Amazing Meowth! Part III

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Author Notes:

Panacea: is the Greek goddess of universal remedy. The original spelling was different and the word "Panacea" is how we say/spell it today and I preferred it over the original. The original spelling just didn't look right in my warped mind.

Elena: Based on Epione the Greek goddess of soothing the pain and was the mother of Panacea.

Chapter 22: It's Amazing Meowth! Part III


Ash came storming back into the tearoom and grabbed Meowth by the scruff.

"Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?" It hollered.

"Ash, what's gotten into you?" Serena asked, worried about how things were only going to escalate worse. Despite its weak struggle to get away, Ash tightened his grip on the scruff of its neck while ignoring her concerns. Pikachu and the other Pokémon watched in awe as the astonishing scene unfolded.

"I'm guessing Diggory told you about our facilities." Milo sighed.

"He's such a big mouth." He thought.

"Well since that's where you're going, Espurr can lead you to it."

"Es!" It shouted unhappily.

"Its time for you to go home now little one." He said sweetly as he patted it on the head, to which Espurr growled and batted his hand away gently.

"Ess-Purr!" It harrumphed as it folded its arms in front of its chest annoyingly.


"I can walk on my own! Just let me go!" It continued it's whining.

"Why? So you can space out and be oblivious to what's going on around you? Forget it!"

"I didn't mean to back there, it was just a lot to take in. I've heard many legends of all kinds but never about Baltoy and Meowth specifically working together. I was just curious, I was thinking that maybe I will end up running into Baltoy again one day. Please, just let me go, your starting hurt me." It whined even louder. Ash stopped and placed it down gently as he bent down to meet it at its level.

"You know what? That has been the most you've ever said to me. I just want you to feel that you can talk to me freely about anything. I didn't want you to feel that you needed to keep everything inside. I didn't want you to feel alone or that you had to keep on fighting for yourself because you thought that no one else would. When that bridge collapsed..." He paused, as he thought about it.

"That's when you got hurt." His hat covered his eyes as he looked down at the ground feeling his emotions were getting the better of him.

"You could have waited, I would have helped you."

"He's crying?" Meowth gasped as the scent of saltwater entered its sinuses.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!" The image of it trembling in angst, shouting its harsh rhetoric flooded Ash's mind.

"I was wrong, I pushed you into a corner." A little cream-colored paw made its way into his peripherals as he was just about to lift his head up.

"Stop it," Meowth mumbled softly as it pawed his nose.

To see the twerp in this light was new, he's a human that's always headstrong and arrogant. From what Meowth can recall, the twerp has an unhealthy passion for Pokémon in general. However, regardless of whatever may have happened in the past, this time was filled with uncertainties. Ash was surprised by its interaction at first but quickly got over it as he watched it lose focus. Ash then gently poked its cheek.

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