"Nothing, Sweetheart," I could hear those long eyelashes batting. "I was just telling your sweet little sister, how much I love this house."

 I run out back, I've never did that before. I always through that it were just full of creepy dying trees. But today, I ran past those dying trees, my heart thumping with fear, but I ignore it.

I pass a sculpt figure of a girl, scary skinny. I close my eyes, listening to the wind. I shouldn't have ever gone out here, alone.

I turn back, just as I see the house, identical to mine. I never thought that there was another house. Curiosity conquers my mind, and I run over.

Peeking through the window, I can see that someone still lives here. My neighbors. It was getting dark, and I couldn't really see well, so I lean closer to the cracked window.

The deafening scream, stops my heart. I quickly back away from the window, the scream was from someone inside, I start to run away, but I can't find a way to get back home. I start to panic. I need someone, anyone.

I hear it- footsteps. softly and creepily, at night. I turn pale. I hold my breath, and crouch down on the cold grassy ground, holding my breath. Someone's long nails tap my shoulder, and my tears come.

"Stop, go away." I look up, and all my fears die out. "Kimberly!" I've never been so happy to see her! "Oh my god! Did you come to save me!?" That's when I notice the unusual ghostly smirk, on her face. I should've known, someone as cowardly as this girly girl, would never come to a place like this.

"I'm not your brother's fiancé, Molly." She says, in a deep voice. "I'm back, I told you this morning."

"No!" I scream. "This is a girl's body too."

"I know." The serial rapist grins, widening his eyes. I'm happy he's not in his own body, which I bet is scary- looking. There's no way Kim's pretty face can look scary, even with oversized widened eyes. "I just need to kill her first, I heard her say that our house is gross, you were here too."

My mind travels back, to when I saw the guy- figure, in the hallway. I back away from him, trying to sort out my thoughts.

"You can't kill her, you're.... you don't have a body anymore."

"Well, I'm in her body now, all I have to do is use her hand to slit her own throat." he smirks, as I grab his arm, even though I know there's no way I can stop him. 

The dead are more powerful.

"Let her go, give her another chance, please." As much as I hate Kimberly, I never wanted her to die. The serial rapist brings me over to the scary skinny figure.

"See that?"

"Um... yes."

"I raped her about- I don't know how many- years ago."

"No!" I scream. "You're not telling me that she was a real girl."

"She was." He smirks at me. "I raped her, and killed her." I close my eyes.

"A body two hundred years old will look like a bunch of straw by now." I grumble.

"No, this one turned to stone, and mine didn't either." He says, and I think about what Eleanor told me that night, abut how their bodies are still in my house. I start to shiver, violently.

"I- I'm going home."

"Me too, we live together, after all."

"Shut up!" I shout at him. "Just go away, and leave Kimberly alone!"
We walk back to my house, and the second we get on my porch, he leaves without saying goodbye or giving me another threat, thankfully. Kimberly gives me a scowl.

"What am I doing, taking a walk with you?"

"Uh, I suppose."

"Hey sweetheart, where were you?" Cole walks over to her, ignoring me completely, I give him a scowl, but he doesn't even notice my appearance.

"Nothing, just taking a walk with Molly, here." Kimberly replies, and Cole finally looks at me. He giggles.

"Hey Sis, what did you do to yourself? You've got twigs in your hair." He tells me, I gasp, and Kimberly smirks at me. I run upstairs. "What happened to her?" I hear my brother say.

"Actually, I don't remember, maybe your sister deleted my memory." Kimberly says. I shut my bedroom door, trying to block out their voices.

I look at the mirror, and gasp, my blue eyes show really terrifying fear, and my hair is, as expected, messed up.

Great, I'm going to be spending an entire year here.

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