Chapter 5- The secret haven

Start from the beginning

Ella wanted to ask what he meant by that but didn’t have the chance as he body was yet again pressed back against the passenger seat rather painfully as Johnathan’s foot pressed on the gas sending the car flying forward. Ella’s eyes were wide with fear and she wanted so bad to scream at Ian to slow down but she didn’t want to appear weak or in his words ‘A baby’ but when Johnathan’scar hurriedly flew out of the city’s doors all kinds of questions captured her mind and she started to get worried.

‘Where is he taking me? Is he kidnapping me? Is he going to hurt me? Is he going to hurt my mother and sis?’ she thought in panic.

Way too quickly the car came to a stop. Johnathan opened his door with more force than needed and got out before he slammed the door back shut. Within seconds he was standing in front of Ella’s side of the car he was standing so still that anyone would have thought he was a wax status. His usually puppy-like blue eyes were then a flaming red colour showing just how irritated he was.

“Get out!” he barked Ella quickly obeyed his order - she was too scared to protest.

“I-I thought we were going to eat.” She whispered shakily while looking at her in-locked fingers trying to stop their shaking. Her legs felt like jelly and she was afraid her knees would give out on her and she would collapse.

As if she had said nothing Johnathan bent down-just enough for Ella to hop on his back. “Get on my back.” He ordered his tone harsh and demanding.

Swiftly Ella walked towards him and hopped on his back, his hands quickly gripped the back of her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. She mentally cursed herself for wearing a dress instead of jeans as Johnathan’s ice cold hands made contact with her warm flesh, a shiver ran through her body-not in a good way-

“Hold on tight, you don’t want to slip during the trip now, do you?” he said bitterly, Ella only shook her head from side to side and tightened her grip on him. Without a warning Johnathan took off running as fast as he could towards his destination.

Ella’s eyes stung as the wind rushed towards them so she closed them trying to stop them from watering as she hid her face in her capture’s back, her body shaking uncontrollably in fear.

“Stop shaking!” Johnathan snapped, his fingers digging in Ella’s flesh. Ella gulped and her body stiffed earning a satisfied chuckle from Johnathan as he speed up. Five minutes later Johnathan stopped running and stood still as he looked around him a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. ”we are here.” Johnathan announced, ever so slowly Ella let her eyelids flutter open and take a look around. They were standing in a forest -a rain forest- trees surrounded them from everywhere. The trees were huge and had thick branches; their leaves were colourful and bright. Strange looking flowers were growing around. Birds and parrots were flying around chirping happily. Some animals were hiding around while others were running and playing making cute noises that almost brought a smile to Ella’s scared face.

If Ella hadn’t been so scared she would have been in great awe of the place she was currently standing in and she would have been admiring every little detail. But right then all she could think about was how he was going to punish her and for the first time in 12 years she was scared, not for herself but for her family.

“Hop off.” Johnathan ordered gently. Without a second thought Ella jumped away from him and backed away. Her back hit the trunk of a giant green-leaved tree and her eyes widened as she stared at the vampire standing four feet away from her. Ella’s arms were loose at her sides and her hands were shaking and sweaty.

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