Chapter Thirty-Six: With All That I Am.

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I wish I could say that my first thought was about the safety of the city, or the condition of my brother, or even if Molly was okay. Unfortunately, I may be a superhero and all but as I've come to learn that doesn't necessarily mean that my first conscious thought would be noble. And in all fairness, Charlie's first thing he said was something about Klingons attacking. So, you know, at least I'm not that bad.

"Mm, pizza," I mumbled past the point of being understandable, but by their reactions, they must have understood me. Pizza must be a universal word.

I could still hear Charlie laughing and mom saying I was some bottomless pit that can never be satisfied. I frowned, I thought my first thought was perfectly rational since I haven't eaten in who knows how long, and besides the last thing I did eat was chicken broth and I hate chicken broth.

"Want me to pick up some pizza?" dad asked, his deep voice reaching my foggy ears.

I opened my eyes, wincing at the bright light that filled my room. Mom mumbled something about pepperoni and breadsticks and to hurry back since I might end up eating my pillow. What?

I tried sitting up or opening my eyes more, but I don't think I even moved because they kept talking. My heart hammered in my chest as I could just barely make out a dark fuzzy person move for my door. I wanted to say something to get their attention, but only unintelligible grunts and mumbles came out.

Mom said something, apparently not noticing my struggle to get noticed, she got up and left the room, leaving me alone. There was a moment of silence, but then someone got close to me and pulled back my blankets. Whoever it was started slapping my cheek. Guess I'm not that alone.

"Come on, Coal, wake up already."


He slid his hands under my armpits and yanked me into a sitting position, leaning me back up against the cold wall. I moaned, hating that all that incredible warmth that had been surrounding me was so suddenly ripped away.

"Hey, buddy, wake up," he continued, now flicking my face.

I groaned and managed to pull my hand up to swat him away. Whatever it was that I did made Charlie incredibly excited. "Good job, Coal," he said. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, I could barely open my eyes and even then what I saw was fuzzy and indecipherable. "I need you to absorb the slaps, okay? It'll help you."

I think I nodded my head. I'm not sure what I did but whatever it was was enough for Charlie to slap me hard across my face. I moaned as my face stung from the hit.

"Come on, Coal, absorb it," he repeated, giving me a second to get ready then slapping me again.

My head got whipped to the other side, and now both sides of my face stung. Why is he slapping me so hard? I grumbled, wanting to go back to sleep for another century or so. Thankfully, Charlie stopped, I heard him sigh and lean back into a squeaky chair.

I frowned and opened my eyes, blinking several times and turning to look at him. "'Kay?"

"No," he shook his head. "Your powers are gone, Coal. That's far from okay."

My frown deepened, I wish I understood what he said but my brain was too groggy and out of focus. I held up a finger, telling him to give me a second. As uncoordinated as I was, I still managed to scoot back down, so I was on my back. I closed my eyes and focused as hard as I could, then rolled off the edge of my bed.

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