Chapter Twenty-Nine: Everything Is Unraveling And I Can't Stop It.

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"Bring it on," Anti Gravity said, balling his fists and getting ready to get into a fistfight.

I frowned at the sight. Was my brother seriously going to try to fight a girl? Granted, she's a super vigilante bent on killing him, but there was something amiss with raising a hand against a girl. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

"Come on, Tights, are you scared?" City Sweeper grinned, bouncing on her heels and looking more than ready to get her revenge. Hey, only I can call him Tights!

Anti Gravity took off running towards her, but she looked too eager to make contact with him. So being the only one with reason, I immediately created a blazing ring of fire around City Sweeper increasing the temperature just enough to keep her from running out.

Tights glared at me. "Let her go, Coal. We need to finish this once and for all."

"Not until I find out why she wants revenge so bad," I snapped, walking through the fire and finding myself face to face with the vigilante. The roar of the tall flames competed with the screams the wind was making, filling our ears with their loud duet.

"What is this fight about, anyway?" I asked, raising my voice.

She stepped closer to me, if that was even possible, our faces were just mere inches away from each other. I could see the different colors of green swirling in her eyes, the beads of sweat forming on her face sticking stray hair to her skin and a zit near her nose that she had tried to cover up. As you can tell, I'm nearsighted.

Anyway, she was very close to me, as we have already established. "He almost killed my sister," she finally spoke, her voice laced with venom and anger but also hurt and betrayal.

"Who's your sister?" I pressed.

She shook her head. "I'm not telling you."

"Think twice," I whispered. Holding out my arms and using my energy to increase the temperature even more. Sweat broke out on her forehead, and her eyes darted around at the firewall I had created.

"I think you know," she said, darting her eyes back to me and wiping out any fear. She shot her hand out to touch my exposed skin, but I ducked quickly. The last thing we need was for her to get recharged by touching me, I seriously need to put 'learning to control my spark' on the top of my to-do list.

"Sophie Daley?" I ventured. "It was me, CS. Tights wasn't there. I was the one who couldn't save her in time. Your beef is with me, not him or Storm Rider."

City Sweeper stared at me for a moment. "It was you?"

"I didn't push her off the edge. I was trying to save her from muggers, and she fell," I said, snuffing my fire out quickly and letting the wind whip the warmth away. "Sophie followed those muggers up onto the roof that night; no one forced her to."

CS looked at a loss for the split second I had her attention.

It was time to pull my last good card. "Do you think that when Sophie wakes up, she'll be proud of who you've become?"

City Sweeper shook her head. Her red lips quivered and opened slightly as a word began to be formed. But before she could speak, there was a muffled scream that caught my attention. I glanced at the door and found Molly struggling in the arms of Catastrophe. Come on, Molly, you're stronger, you can get away!

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