Chapter Nineteen: It's All Coming Back to Me Now.

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"So I know we had plans to hang out this Saturday. A sort of strike against not having anyone to go to the dance with, but . . . Well, I sort of asked someone out and she said yes. So maybe we can do our game night some other time?"

I slammed my locker door shut and stared at Charlie. Okay so I didn't slam my locker door because our game night was canceled (actually I'm glad because Charlie is such a sore loser) I more like slammed it because Charlie asked a girl out and didn't even tell me. Jerk, real best friends tell each other everything. Oh wait, look who's talking.

"Who'd you ask out?"

Charlie turned a shade of red I didn't know his skin was capable of producing. "Elora."

My eyebrows shot up with surprise. I mean, yeah I knew he liked her, but for some odd reason, I didn't think he'd get the guts to ask her out. "Wow. When did you ask her?"

"Yesterday. You weren't here."

Yesterday. I had been stuck in bed recovering from the confrontation with City Sweeper. Or at least that's what Ben and Red said, I couldn't remember anything from that night and even part of that day. Sometimes amnesia can be such a drag because I know for sure something important happened, and for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was. Why can't I forget the embarrassing parts of my life instead? Do you know how convenient that would be?

I leaned on my locker and sighed loudly. "Sorry, Charlie. I just haven't been feeling good."

"But why aren't you feeling good? What's going on, Coal? Talk to me. Is it." He leaned in closer with wide eyes. "Your new power?"

I frowned but quickly wiped it off. New power? I have a new power? I nodded my head slowly but then shook my head. "What new power?"

Charlie rolled his eyes. "InvisiBoy!"

And then it hit me like a train. You'd think it'd have given me another concussion instead of a flashback. That's right, Charlie and Ellie were there when I turned invisible. I scowled, I would prefer flying over this, but I'm sure it'll come in handy for some serious pranks.

I shrugged and opened my locker back up, remembering I forgot to get my calculus book which was the main reason for opening it in the first place. I guess we sacrifice some things to be dramatic.

Charlie was quiet for a moment. "You don't trust me. Not even when we've known each other for years. What do I need to do for you to trust me, Coal?"

I only looked back at him quietly, letting my silence be my answer. Trust was not something that came easily to me, not when I've learned that the people I've often trusted have left me out cold. Trust has turned into something that scares me more than City Sweeper and the Solitary Bin combined.

He shook his head, looking frustrated. "Fine then, whatever. You're not my problem. I don't have to worry about you anymore."

"Charlie," I started.

He shook his head, cutting me off. "I'm done, Coal. You can wallow in your self-pity all alone. I have a date with Ellie I need to get to. Catch you later."

I blinked and watched Charlie walk away from me and disappear into the mass of students. What just happened? Did I just lose my only friend? I looked at my locker then back to where he had disappeared in confusion and utter disbelief. "Nah, he'll be back." Hopefully.

"Who'll be back?"

I looked up to find my brother replacing Charlie's spot. "Charlie."

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