Chapter Seven: Welcome to the Superhero Club.

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Let it be known to anyone who cares: I hate clubs. I never had any intention ever to join a club, but yet where do I find myself after school? Home? Ha, I wish. More like in the beginning session of Charlie's club he started last year, 'The Superhero Club.' To add to this amazing theme, we all have to wear masks. Capes are optional, thankfully.

So, sitting in my usual chair next to the President of the club, a.k.a Charlie, we waited patiently while the other high schoolers who are superpower addicts trickled in from their last classes of the day. Eventually, our normal group was present, all fifteen of us nerds.

"For the first order of the day," Charlie started, pulling out a bright red clipboard and scanning the paper that was on it. "Is to discuss whether the super villain Headphones is worthy of being called a hero now since his latest act was to save a girl."

I honestly don't know which one is more irritating, Charlie acting like this is an official top secret club or that he's still stuck on 'me' being a hero.

Before I could vehemently protest his suggestion, there was a knock on our open door. All heads turned in unison to find a girl standing in the doorway, none other than Elora herself. I really can't escape that girl, can I?

"Hi," she said meekly, there was a flyer in her hand, one that I recognized as an ad for our club. "The flyer said you were accepting new members into your club?"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, I thought this girl didn't believe in superheroes, and yet now she wants to join the club? I elbowed Charlie to break him out of his Elora-triggered trance. I gave him a look hoping that he'd get the hint that I was suspicious of her.

"Come in," Charlie said, ignoring the scowl I sent his way. "So you obviously know this club is for fans of superheroes and villains, right?"

"Yes, I know," she stuttered. "I've watched a good amount of Marvel and DC superhero movies, but I can get up to date with all the new ones out if that's a requirement."

The rest of the club started chuckling at what they thought of as her joke. They were all going to be in for a big surprise when they find out that she doesn't believe in superheroes. She smiled nervously, her eyes showing that she hoped she was being accepted by the club.

"This club is actually for ones who believe in real-life superheroes," I said, speaking up loud enough to be heard over everyone's laughter. "Not for DC comic strip readers." Maybe I should feel sorry that I just squashed out that hope in her eyes, or maybe not. Yeah, definitely not. Besides, there are plenty of other clubs she can join.

Elora clenched her fists lightly. "I never said I didn't believe in them, just that I haven't ever met one before. But I'm open to the possibility. I just want to join a club to make new friends because I don't know anyone over here and I'm lonely," she said, her voice growing increasingly more choked sounding. She blinked several times and sniffed. "Sorry I wasted your time."

"Well that was some show," I grumbled, hating that she was trying to give us the guilt trip but also glad to see her leave.

She turned around to leave, but a folding chair squeaked across the vinyl floors loud enough that I grimaced (super hearing, remember?) as someone stood up quickly. "Elora," Charlie said, he even went as far as to run, yes run, around the table and grab her forearm to stop her from walking out. "I think we can make an exception to the rules."

I rolled my eyes and sunk deeper into my chair. Great, just great. Of all the girls in our school, Charlie has to go falling for the one girl in the world who's seen the Headphones me in the light. I continued to scowl as Charlie let her sit on his other side at the table.

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