Chapter Thirty-Four: City Sweeper Rises.

Start from the beginning

Something was off. I looked under my desk, but my small security camera was gone. "My room's been searched, and they tried to cover it up." I straightened back out and looked around my room, checking every spot I had hidden something.

They were all gone. My security cameras, hidden power disablers, and files of various villains. The Board must have ransacked my room. I walked to the headboard of my bed and lifted the top piece off, exposing a hidden cavity where I kept most of the important files.

"Gone," I said. I flipped the lid in my hand and found my original 'Partners in Justice' necklace as well as a couple of permanent power disablers, which I stuffed into the hidden pockets on my suit. I took the necklace out and set the wood back in place. Putting it on, I turned around to face Glitch. "I have a feeling where she could have taken him. Come on, let's go before the Board comes back."

"You think they're coming back?"

To answer his question, I pointed to a corner. "Hidden camera. The place is bugged." I turned to the camera to address whoever was listening in. "I think City Sweeper is at the Mars building since she's used it before. It may be her headquarters where she is planning on taking over the city. We'll be there, send backup."

Without waiting for another second, I opened my window and flew out, checking to be sure Glitch was following me. I flew through the city as fast as I could, scanning the rooftops of several tall buildings, double checking to make sure CS didn't change her headquarters.

"There's the Mars building!" Glitch shouted, pointing towards the towering skyscraper. As if I didn't notice it.

"Be careful," I warned him, turning sharply and heading straight for the building. I landed hard on purpose, re-energizing myself and also trying to look dramatic. "Where's my brother, Catastrophe?"

Catastrophe, who happened to be the only one on the roof, besides Charlie and me, kept his arms crossed and a very defiant expression on his face. He so doesn't know who he's messing with or what's coming at him. "Flaming Spark, I should have guessed you were Headphones and that you were working undercover. No wonder you always tried to team up with me, you were trying to get closer to me to take my powers away."

"Ah, so he isn't as stupid as his name," I grumbled, balling my hands into tight fists. "And how'd you know I was working undercover?"

"That mole you were trying to find with that whole Sophie Daley scene told me," he grinned. "Oh yes, that rogue hero is very much real."

I narrowed my eyes, feeling like I was being played with. "Who is he?" Ha, like he would tell me, even a poorly scripted superhero movie wouldn't have the big twist revealed till the credits roll.

"For that incredibly sharp brain in your head, you sure are clueless," Catastrophe remarked, stepping closer and uncrossing his arms.

I tensed and stepped closer, making sure that Charlie was safely behind me. I'm missing something, something important and something that's been hiding underneath my nose all along. But what was it? Back up, Coal, back up this whole process.

"I know you from somewhere."

"Ah, good job. But where?" he asked, taking another step closer as if I wouldn't notice.

Where? The question bounced around in my head as every important event played rapidly through my memory. I know him from somewhere, but where exactly? The wind picked up then, blowing Catastrophe's dirty blonde curls in every direction. I sucked in a breath when the memory suddenly hit me.

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