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"Love and Basketball or Set It Off?"

"Set It Off... Easy." Lauren answered.

"You would choose Set It Off over Love and Basketball?"

"Yes, Love and Basketball ain't all that. Everybody hype it up so much and it got so old. I never really liked that movie anyways. Set it off is better though. I never get tired of that movie, it teaches me how to hustle and go after what I want."

"Robbing a bank is going after what you want?"

"Pretty much." She shrugged, "but Poetic Justice or Waist Deep."

"Waist Deep that's my movie." I answered.

"Yeah I can agree."

"Can y'all stop y'all little game and come help me?" Zonnique asked as she lugged her bags into the house.

I forgot she was getting her things out of the car. I stood up and grabbed her bags, "why do you have so much stuff anyways?"

"What did you want me to pack? One outfit and call it a day?"

"You shouldn't have left us." I sat her bags down and kissed her lips. "We missed you."

"YOU missed her." Lauren playfully rolled her eyes.

"Shutup Lauren you know you missed your big sis." Zo hugged her.

"So how was it?" I sat down on the couch and she sat on my lap, explaining how her trip went.

"It was fun actually. It was my first time going to the Bahamas and it was so relaxing. Stress free, Lauren free, Bahja free. It was nice to get away from y'all on a nice vacation."

Lauren and I looked at each other before mugging Zo. "I'm on Lauren's side now. I didn't miss you."

Lauren laughed and Zonnique muffed my head, "what did y'all do while I was gone?"

I shrugged, "watched movies, played games, ate junk, studio, sleep... Repeat."

"Nothing productive."

"I said we went to the studio."

"For how long? An hour?"

"65 minutes actually. I was keeping up with time because I didn't wanna be there." Lauren stated.

"Which is why we left and came home..."

"And did what?"

"Didn't I just say what we did?"

She looked back at me, "who you talking to?"

I lowered my voice, "I'm just saying... I don't feel like repeating myself."

"You're scared of her Bahja?"

"Of Zonnique? Hell yeah."

"You're scared of me? I don't even do anything to you."

"You don't? I am in an abusive relationship right now."

"I do not abuse you." She laughed, "I hit you one time and that was because you were playing dumb with me."

"It wasn't just one time. It's damn near everyday."

"Damn near..."

"I heard my baby is back! Where is she!?" Lani came into the front room with us.

"I am here!"

Zonnique got up and they hugged each other. I mean mugged Lani as Zonnique sat back down on my lap.

Forever and a day (Sequel to Broken) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now