Seeing One Direction

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Logan’s Pov

We were all having a conversation in the kitchen when we heard a loud scream. We heard it from James’ room. We all ran to see what the matter was. Kendall opens the doors and we walk in. “What’s wrong James”, I said. “May is upset because she’s getting hate mail.”  “Why don’t you sing her a song”, Carlos said. That wasn’t that bad even James thought it was a good idea since he thanked us and left.

I love our fans in all but sometimes they get too crazy with the fan mail. With someone who dates us gets hate mail it just doesn’t feel good. We saw James computer open and saw some of the comments that was being made. No one should deal with this especially May. She is so caring and sweet and tries to not hurt anybody.

We decided to go watch TV while we wait for him to get home to see how it went. We were hoping it was good because James loves May and May is just so fun to be around. All of a sudden we heard the door unlock and James walked in. “How did it go”, Kendall asked. “It went good. I picked Nothing Even Matters”, James said.  “Good choice “, said Carlos.

James walked into his bedroom. He’s probably tired from all that happened today. “I’m so glad James and May are staying together”, Carlos said. “Yeah me to. I just feel bad for May because she just moved here and her secret is out now”, I said. The boys agreed.

*Two Weeks Later*

May’s Pov

These last two weeks have been the best weeks of my life.  I got a new best friend Sam and I have a great boyfriend. When I was getting hate on twitter James was there for me and he even sung me a song. After that I got used to the hate on twitter. Everyone at school has calmed down and got used to me dating James. I have been in a lot of magazines now. I think I have been on 20 covers, 14 of those have been about me and James and the other 6 was just about me.

I have gotten close with all the boys. They pretty much know everything about me and I know pretty much everything about them. They are always there for me when I have problems because my dad is never there. I pretty much have an empty house so they usually stay at my house or I go to theirs.

Today since I don’t have school the boys are going to take me with them when they meet One Direction. I went over to my closet and decided on blue skinny jeans and a pink and white stripe shirt. I also was wearing some toms. My outfit was pretty cute. I heard a honk down stairs which means the boys were here.

I run downstairs and grab my iPhone on the way out. I walk to the limo and get in. “Hey May”, all the boys said. “Hey Guys.” I went and sat my James. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on to his lap. We arrived at the studio where we were meeting them. There were fans all outside. We got out of the car and we heard shouting. I walk out and James followed. They stop to take pictures with the fans. I walked with James. “May can I get your autograph”, a girl said. She handed me her pen and paper and I did my autograph. She then asked for a picture. I took the picture and other girls were asking for some autographs and pictures. I wave goodbye and make my way to the boys. “Well if it isn’t miss popular”, said Carlos.

I stuck out my tongue at him. James grabbed my hand and we walked into the studio. We took a seat on the couch and waited for One Direction to come in. After a couple of minutes we heard the door open so we snapped our heads in that direction. In came One Direction. They came and took a seat on the opposite couch.

“We should go around and say names first”, said Louis. “Well start”, he said again. “Well I’m Louis. This is Harry, and that’s Zayn. This is Liam and last but not least this is Niall.” “Ok will go. I’m James and this is Carlos, Kendall, Logan and this is my girlfriend May.”

That broke the ice. We all started talking and having fun. Louis and Carlos were being crazy together. They were making us all laugh. Niall was laughing the hardest that he was rolling on the ground laughing. I found out things that I never knew about them. They are better in person. They all have different personalities but they get along together.

We spent 4 hours just getting to know each other. We looked at the time and thought we should go to dinner. We were going to go out together for dinner.  We all left the studio.  I got in the limo with the boys while One Direction went in there limo.  We headed to some pub. We go there it wasn’t too busy. Niall ran into the restaurant. He is always hungry.

The rest of us got into the pub. Niall was already at a table. We took a seat. James sat on my right and Louis sat on my left. Harry was on the other side of Louis and Kendall sat next to Harry. Across from Kendall was Logan. Next to Logan was Niall. Next to Niall was Liam. Then after Liam was Carlos then Zayn was on the edge.

Dinner was good.  We were acting like we known each other since forever. Niall ate some much. I’m surprised he can handle all of this. It was getting late so we decided to go home. I got all of the boy’s number. It was nice getting to know them. James dropped me off at home. I went right to sleep.

I woke up and saw the clock and it read 2. I can’t believe I slept this late. I got up and went and checked my phone. I saw I had 6 new messages.

Louis: It was great meeting you last night. I could tell you from England because of your accent.

James: Hey beautiful are you up?

Carlos: My May what are you up to?

Niall: Hey May I really enjoyed meeting you last night. I could tell we are going to be great friends.

James: Hey we are going to a club tonight do you want to come?

Harry: Hey did James tell you were going to a club tonight? Are you ready to get your party on?

I responded to all of them.

To Louis: Hey Lou it was great meeting you to and you correct about me being from England.

James: Just got up and yes I will come to the club with you guys.

Niall: Hey Niall it was good meeting you to and we are definitely going to be great friends.

I got ready for tonight at the club.

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