Teasing Yuma 😊😏

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Christine's POV:
After we got back from school, I decided to go for a jog while Chris is lying on my bed sleeping with her earbuds on listening to EXO.

While I was about to go out jogging in my sexy pink workout outfit and pink sneakers, I bumped into Laito where he is smirking at my outfit.

While I was about to go out jogging in my sexy pink workout outfit and pink sneakers, I bumped into Laito where he is smirking at my outfit

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"~fufu~ Going somewhere Christy chan?"

He asked flirtatiously.

"I'm just gonna jog for a bit."

I replied with a grin.

"In that sexy outfit? Christy chan I'll get jealous when all the guys start hitting on you."

He teased as I rolled my eyes at him.

"I assure you that nothing is going to happen to me."

"You're sure about that Christy mneko chan."

I then turned around to see Kou smirking at me.

"Hi Kou, and no I'm not doing this on purpose."

"Really? Cuz you're looking pretty hot."

He teased as I rolled my eyes smirking at him, look both at Laito and Kou.

"You guys got a thing for girls working out?"

I asked with a smirk.


They both replied with a flirtatious smirk as I lightly giggled when they're hitting on me.

"You guys are seriously pervs."

"Well Kou and I think that you're the pervert here Christy chan ~fufu~"

Laito remarked as I look at him straight up.

"Listen fedora perv I maybe a perv, but I ain't a slut."

I stated.

"We never told you that you're a slut Christy mneko chan."

He smirked as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah, anyway I'm gonna go out and can you guys keep an eye on Chris for while I'm gone? I don't want her to cause trouble again."

I asked tilting my head.

"~fufu~ oh don't worry Christy chan, will take GREAT care of her."

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