Chris is in da House!

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"Hi Christine no time no see!"

She grinned happily as she winked and pulls out her peace sign, I stood there sweat dropping at the sight of Chris.

She grinned happily as she winked and pulls out her peace sign, I stood there sweat dropping at the sight of Chris

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Oh shit, this is going to be a looooonnng night for us.....

Christine's POV:
While we're shocked to see Chris found us quickly, she immediately ran towards me and hugged me so tight that I couldn't even breathe.

"Omg I am so happy to find you! Not only that but I'm so happy to see you again it's been a long time since the last time we spoke and you're covered in blood, but who the fuck cares!"


I breathlessly spoke when she immediately break away the embrace, I regained air and I breathe heavily.


I demanded as she sticks her tongue cheekily at me.

"Weeeelllll a little bird just told you that you're in Japan living with a bunch of hot sexy men and he even gave me your address, so here I am!"

She explained cheerfully as I twitched my brow at the thought of you-know-who.

"Oh hell naw, please tell me that you did not just blackmailed Karlheinz!"

"I kinda have...."


"Okay fine I did, but that's the only way to get here!"

"But not like this!"

While me and Chris are bickering, the Sakamakis sweat dropped by our arguments as Reiji pushed his glasses up, he immediately cleared his throat.

"Ahem since you're here, why won't you tell us who you are and how did you get our father's phone?"

Reiji's politely asked with Chris nodded her head where she cutely salutes with a cheery smile.

"My name's Christine Chau, but you can call me Chris for short! I got your dad's phone number when I went to Christine's house when I asked them about Christine, they gave me Karlheinz's phone number, so I call him and I blackmailed him if he doesn't send to Japan so I can find my best friend and here I am with my best friend!"

She happily grins as she wraps her arm around my shoulders smiling, I groaned slowly face palming.

"Yeah great you found me now get out of here and go back to Virginia before I kick your ass out."

"Ummm..I have to break to ya, but Karl said I living with you guys now!"

She then grins gleefully at us where all of us stood their dumbfounded.

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