Chapter 22

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N.E.W.T student: Camilla Delacour Devonshire RAVENCLAW

1) Potions (8:00 am-9:00 am)

2) Defense Against the Dark Arts (9:10 am-10:10 am)

3) Free period (10:20 am-11:20 am)

4) Transfiguration (11:25 am- 12:10 pm)

5) Alchemy (1:10 pm-2:10 pm)

6) Charms (2:15 pm-3:15 pm)

7) Apparition lessons (3:20 pm-4:20 pm)

Camilla was having NEWTs due to her 'Exceed Expectations' from her professors. Her classes are the classes that she needs to be the director of Magical Security. The director of Magical security is the chief security officer for the protection of the magical community in London.

The Director of Magical Security was responsible for ensuring the safety of witches and wizards. They would supervise the efforts to conceal magic from the No-Majs, supervise the Federal Bureau of Covert Vigilance and No-Maj Obliviation and the Federal Wand Permit Office.

Camilla set down her timetable and placed it inside her bag. "Did you hear that we're gonna be interviewed of the certain job we want by the head of that certain department if you're gonna apply in the ministry of course."

Samantha already talked to them as she just arrived and sat down to eat breakfast. "I want to be a potioneer. I really love brewing new stuff and if it's a success, i can name it!" Aneth says enthusiastically.

The rest kept discussing about what jobs they want except Camilla. She observed the blonde boy who was staring blankly at the wooden table. 'What's going on with you, Malfoy?'

"Come one Camilla. It's time for potions" the five friends stood up and headed for their first class.

"Good morning Class! I am Professor Slughorn and today we will be discussing about the most difficult potions to brew. Now, who would like to explain to the class of what Veritaserum is?"

Two girls from Slytherin and Ravenclaw raised their hands, "yes miss Devonshire?" Camilla stood up and she could feel Avery Wilson glaring at her.

"Veritaserum is a powerful truth serum. The potion effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions put to them truthfully, though there are certain methods of resistance. Use of this potion is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic."

"Correct! 15 points to Ravenclaw!" Her fellow Ravenclaws smiled at her for gaining their house points.

"Now the nature of Veritaserum is clear, colourless, and odourless and is almost indistinguishable from water" a Slytherin girl raised her hand, "yes Miss Wilson?"

"I would like to add more information. The potion must mature for a full lunar phase, and is quite difficult to produce. It can be mixed with pretty much any drink, and three drops are a sufficient dose to make the drinker 'spill out his innermost secrets'. Thus, the potion forces the drinker to tell the complete truth to any question put to him/her, according to what the drinker perceives as true"

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