Chapter 3

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Seeing the empty bed, Camilla walked towards it, seeing that her things have already been brought up. With the room still empty, she noticed that the interior was in the theme of the color blue and white, with a wide carpet of the Ravenclaw house crest right at the center and the warmth of the room just makes her feel at home.

"Glad you're settling in. We finally got to see that spot occupied." Turning her attention at the door, Cho Chang smiled sweetly at Camilla before heading towards her trunk and sat on it, "'s Hogwarts so far?" asks Cho while taking off her Ravenclaw robes. "It's okay i guess. Although, I find that certain Slytherin girl a bit rude" Cho looked to the ceiling, thinking before looking back at Camilla. "Pansy Parkinson perhaps? The girl who's always with Draco Malfoy?" Camilla nodded. "Yeah she bullies anyone who stands in her way...especially when it comes to Malfoy. It's best to avoid her. Best to avoid Slytherin in that matter." Camilla nodded and grabbed her pajamas and toiletries, excusing herself from Cho to head to the showers. After that, she got to meet her other roommates, Aneth Powell and Samantha Halls who was delighted to finally meet Camilla. With a few small talks here and there, they finally headed towards bed to have some good night sleep. 

Camilla was in the great hall, eating her breakfast while reading the Daily Prophet. It was quite early, considering that there were only a few students were at the Great Hall for breakfast but Camilla didn't want to be late on her first day. She was continuing on her reading when someone sat across from her and coughed, trying to catch her attention. She ignored the person and just looked at the newspaper when it was suddenly snatched from her hands, revealing the familiar boy with platinum blonde hair and a smirk plastered on his face with a touch of arrogance that he wears everyday as he strides the halls of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy.

"I thought you were gonna be sorted in Slytherin but what a shame, you're in the house full of geeks." Camilla looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed, "oh joy how luck am I" She says, snatching the Daily Prophet from his hands, annoyed. 

"Why don't you go back to your friends and we don't want to upset your girlfriend now, do you?" Draco furrowed her eyebrows at her, "I don't have a girlfriend." Camilla smirked, "not much of a surprise there." Draco glared at her, knowing that Camilla was making fun of him. More students were piling in, mostly Slytherins. One of them called Draco over, "you should go." Camilla says, taking a sip from her orange juice. "Fine" Draco then left to meet his circle of friends. 

"Good morning, Camilla." Cho Chang, along with Aneth Powell and Samantha Halls, greeted her and sat down, grabbing some breakfast. "You're up early" says Cho. "I'm looking forward for my classes really." The girl nodded with a smile and had a chat with Aneth and Samantha, meanwhile, Camilla's eyes landed on the entrance of the Great Hall, seeing Hermione walking in, her face grumpy, followed by Harry and Ron who were whispering to each other, seeming like they did something that annoyed Hermione. 

Midway through breakfast, a short man who wore round spectacles walked towards them. With a flick of his wand, timetables were then in front of the girls. "Good morning, ladies. Here are your timetables for this school year. Make Rowena Ravenclaw proud" he says with a big smile on his face and walked on, handing out the rest of the timetables.

Morning classes:

• Potions

• Defense Against the Dark Arts

• Transfiguration

*Lunch break*

Afternoon classes:

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