Chapter 21

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HARRY POTTER, standing numbly beside ALBUS DUMBLEDORE amidst a mob of reporters. Cameras flash. Dumbledore's hand finds his shoulder and Harry is moving, drifting through the chaos, Dumbledore protective, graceful, dignified.

The MILLENNIUM BRIDGE was destroyed by the unknown in the muggle world.

DEATH EATERS spotted at diagon alley.

The brunette put down the daily prophet and had a horrified look on her face. It's been confirmed. HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED has returned. The minster of magic resigned. What does this all mean? Is the wizarding world now under you-know-who's control?

Camilla looked up and sighed. Someone came into the room and sat in front of her, holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

"You need to go unwind a bit Cams" she looked at the girl/woman in front of her who had purple hair, "what do you suggest?" She replied, "go with Hermione and the others at the twin's joke shop tomorrow. Worrying all the time is not good"

"What am i supposed to do Tonks? I don't know where my parents are. I don't know if they're still alive or caught" Tonks sighed and she held her hand on the table, "the order are searching for them. Trust the order." Camilla nodded and leaned back on her chair.

"It feels sad. It feels like there's someone missing in here that could light this room up" Tonks sipped on her coffee and nodded, "Sirius did helped us a lot though but i feel sympathy on Harry because he's the only family he got left"

"I can't even live in my own home because it feels unsafe. I miss being with my family. I can't even go to France to visit my relatives because of some stupid lord who wants power and immortality" Tonks smiled a little at the girl in front of her.

"We will defeat him" Camilla nodded and she sipped her cup of coffee. "Is Cedric still sleeping?" The girl with purple hair asked, "yeah"

"He needs more time to recover. That cruciatus curse was pretty bad"

Then the memory flooded through her mind about the event three days ago. SIRIUS BLACK is dead and YOU-KNOW-WHO is at large once again.

A sound of doors opening was heard. "Did you find them?" Camilla stood up, hoping that the order found her parents. "We didn't" Remus said in a disappointed tone and stood beside Tonks.

The brunette's face hardened and clenched her fists. "But we will find them real soon Camilla" a man named Kingsley said as he held her shoulder for assurance.

They heard groans from upstairs, "Cedric" then she quickly ran upstairs and bolted into his room. "Cedric. What's wrong?" Camilla asked as she sat down on his bed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Should i get anything for you?" Tonks came in, "i just want Camilla here" he said in a weak tone. "I'll leave you two alone" then the doors were closed shut.

"Where does it hurt?" She asked with concern, "i'm just having nightmares that's all"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He sighed, "i dreamt about my father. He was caught in the ministry by death eaters and imprisoned him and left him to die" he then closed his eyes shut before he gulped and said, "and i lost you"

The brunette had butterflies in her stomach. She slowly leaned down and looked at him in the eye, "i'm not going anywhere because i trust you since the day we were at the department of mysteries"

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