Part 30&31:

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As they stepped through the doorway of the house it had been notably changed since the last time the Winchester had been there. While a lot of the autumn decorations stayed, there were streamers lining the tops of the walls, balloons in the corners of the room and on some surfaces there were glass bowls filled with m&ms and other assortments of treats. "Dean, Sam, Jessica!" Anna exclaimed, rounding the corner, chips and salsa bowl in hand. "I would hug you but my hands are full. Dean, can I have you assist Robert at the grill? He probably has no idea what he is doing."

"Sure," Dean answered, glad that now he had something to distract himself with. He continued down the hall towards the living room. He exhaled a breath he did realize he was holding when he saw that Castiel was not in the room, he turned right, not in the kitchen either. He walked into the backyard, tables lined with food were there, a whole array of different junk foods, including Dean's favorite: pie. He smiled, knowing that Anna had probably got it just for him, she knew he preferred pie over cake at any festivity. "Need some help?" Dean asked as he stepped next to a worried looking Robert.

Relief flooded his face as Robert saw Dean, "Take over for me?" he pleaded, "I have no idea what I'm doing. The last time she let me do this I burned the meat, I swear I'm not qualified to do this."

"No problem, I really don't mind," Dean responded, grabbing the spatula from Robert's hand.

"Want me to get some help, I could have sworn I just saw Castiel here," Robert pondered, looking at the guests roaming the backyard.

"No, no, this is a one-man job," Dean insisted, feeling his pulse accelerate at the mention of the name.

"Suit yourself," Robertshrugged, wandering back into the house to go look for his wife. 

"Castiel!" Anna barked from downstairs. Castiel was hiding out with Claire in the baby's nursery. She giggled in his arms, little hands easily grabbing her feet as she played with them. Castiel had been on lookout for when Dean arrived and when he saw him walk into the front yard with his family he had chickened out, ducking into Claire's room for hiding. What was he supposed to say to Dean?
"Here you are," a rumbling voice made Castiel freeze, he turned to see his cousin Michael leaning against the doorframe. "What do you want?" Castiel didn't care to buffer the spite in his voice. "Anna needs you in the kitchen," Michael mused. He stalked over to Castiel's side, scooping Claire into his arms with a bright smile. "Chop chop Castiel we haven't got all day." Castiel stormed out of the nursery without looking back, good riddance. Anna was waiting in the kitchen, arms crossed and lips puckered into a frown. "You needed my help?" He treaded carefully, he knew the look on her face, he better not do anything else to set her off she was in one of those moods.
She finally snapped out of her thought, "Help me get all of the guests in the backyard, I'm going to make a toast soon."


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