Part 24 & 25

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After Dean had driven Castiel back to Anna's house he sat in his car on the side of the road. He was on one of the lonely country side roads that was barely frequented. When he knew he was truly alone he let himself feel. Heated tears streamed down his face but he uttered no sound, crying silently by himself. Dean hastily left the car, afraid that he might do something he would regret to it. The air was colder now, biting at his skin. The sun was setting, draining all the heat as it passed under the horizon. An image of Castiel's hurt face passed through Dean's mind again, he bit his lip, hard. He really wanted it to work between the two of them. He wanted to build something with Castiel. Now he may never get that chance. He cursed aloud and punched a nearby tree. He punched it again more times than he could count, feeling the pain spread from his hands, his knuckles were bleeding but that didn't help the emptiness he felt in his chest.

It must have been hours later when Dean returned home. It was dark out and the porch lights were on. He noticed that Castiel's car was gone, he must have come back here to retrieve it. When he opened the front door he wasn't greeted by Nala. Dean could hear the TV on from another room. Footsteps sounded and soon Sam was there, flicking on the light. "Dean? What happened? You're bleeding!" Sam pulled his big brother to the nearest bathroom, worry creasing his brows. "Dean?" Dean smiled halfheartedly at Sam. "What happened?" Sam tried again. He got out the first aid kit, grabbing Dean's hands in his own to run them under cold water.

"Didn't work out. Michael was there," was all that Dean had to say for his brother to understand. Sam's face darkened as he tended to his big brother's wounded hands. "Let me get you some ice, wait here," Sam told, marching off toward the kitchen.

Sam soon returned with a cold ice pack he pressed to one of Dean's hands. "You gonna be ok?"

"I'll live."


"Nothing some sleep can cure, right? I'm going to bed," Dean ended the conversation, heading back to his room. He flopped down on the bed and didn't bother to undress as he curled under the sheets. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Castiel's face out of his mind, his chest feeling heavier and heavier with each breath.

Cold hands woke Dean from his reverie. Sunlight was pouring in from the window, it had to be early morning. Pretty blue eyes looked down as Dean noticed who was above him. Castiel was sitting on the side of his bed, tracing a cold hand down Dean' cheek. "Cas?" Dean asked in a sleepy voice. "Hey darling," Castiel purred in a velvety voice that sent shivers down Dean's spine. "What are you doing here? Am I dreaming?" Dean asked, trying to sit up but Castiel pushed him back down, crawling on top of him. When he was straddling the tired man Castiel answered, "Does it matter? Why don't we enjoy ourselves a little?"

Castiel ran his hand over Dean's chest, reaching the end of his shirt to pull it up, revealing Dean's muscled chest. Castiel peppered kisses from Dean's belly button to his nipples, stopping over his heart. There, the blue eyed man could feel Dean's heart racing as he let his lips rest a little longer. Cold hands explored Dean's chest, making him shiver more than he already was. "You're cold, Cas," Dean said, now fully awake. "Why don't you warm me up?" Castiel purred, using his bedroom voice that sent the rest of Dean's blood down south, helping to grow the heat between his legs. Dean bucked his hips, soliciting a low growl from Castiel. Dean watched as the other man took off his shirt, leaning down to lock their lips. By the time they pulled apart Dean could feel Castiel's erection against his own stomach. "Make me yours, baby," Castiel nipped at Dean's neck. Dean rolled his hip once again, more than happy to oblige.

Dean shot up from bed, soaked in sweat and fully aware that he had been dreaming.

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