Chapter 20

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"Alright, your order will be here in a few minutes," the waitress smiled as she walked away.

I smiled, "Thank you." She walked away and I turned to Rocky and Rydel, who sat excitedly in the booth across from me.

"So, how do you guys like California?" I smiled.

Rydel was bouncing, "I love it! It's awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome awessssooommeeee!" She was smiling and going on about her Uncle Ross teaching her how to surf later this week.

I turned to Rocky, "and how about you, bud?"

Rocky, who was looking un amused around the diner, turned to me, "It's cool. It's better than New Jersey." 

I nodded, "You got that right..." I sipped my water, "How do you guys like your family?"

Rydel was the first to answer again, "I love them! Uncle Ross and Aunt Jess are so cool! Sabrina and Scarlett and Karmen and Alexia are so awesome, too. Their so cute, and they let me try on some of their dresses last time!" Rydel was obviously trying not to squeal with joy. I've never seen her so happy about people.

Rocky leaned his head against his hand, sighing lightly.

"And how do you like everyone, little man?" I nudged him under the table with my foot.

He looked up at me, "Their cool, I guess."

"Rocky, what's wrong?" It wasn't like my son to be quiet in public. He usually was the one singing or air guitar-ing to whatever music he heard. Rydel wasn't really paying attention to him either. "Did you guys have a fight?" I asked.

The lady with the food brought us our lunch, setting each dish in front of who ordered it. After she left, Rocky stared at his food not saying anything.

"Eat, you dillweed." Rydel grumbled at him.

"Hey, calling your brother a dillweed isn't nice." I giggled, thinking of Ryland's stupid insults like that. Rocky sighed and started to eat some of his fries. I bit into m burger and asked again, "So, what's wrong?"

Rocky stuffed a few more fries into his mouth and then grumbled, "I saw last night."

"you saw last night? What's that supposed to mean?" I was oblivious to what ever the hell he was talking about.

he looked up at me, "I saw you kissing Ryland. And I don't want a step-dad."

"Step-dad?" Rydel looked over. "We never had first dad, how could he be our step-dad?" She swallowed her food and continued, "and who said he was our step-dad?"

"Oh come on, you idiot. It happens all the times in the movies. The main protagonist who's a girl, kisses the main protagonist boy, and they get married and all that gross stuff."

I looked at my son, surprised he knew such big words I couldn't even pronounce correctly.  I took a deep breath, "he wouldn't be your step-dad...and how did you see?"

Rocky looked mad, "I came out of my room for a glass of water and I saw you guys sitting on the floor having a full out make out session. And if you marry Ryland, you're replacing our real dad. So that means, stepdad."

I shook my head, "I'm not replacing anyone." internally, I sighed, knowing that it wasn't just my imagination that I heard footsteps last night. Mentally, I was deciding what to do next. How could Rocky think I was replacing his real father....with his real father. Then I remembered, I never told them anything about my life.

Rocky was mumbling an eating. Rydel paid no attention to him and kept joyously enjoying life.

I took a long drink of my water, deciding what to say next.

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