Chapter 2

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"READY SET ROCK!" R5 yelled as they jumped out onto the stage. The crowd roared louder than anything I've heard before; and I've been to One Direction concerts. Rocky's voice was leaving him as he started to sing the first song.

It's been close to 6 years since R5 was signed under my mothers label. I still remember it like it was yesterday, mostly because they still look the same.

Ryland, my boyfriend of five years, put an arm around my shoulder. He nuzzled his nose in my cheek and said just above the music, "You made this all possible, you know. We're still on for dinner tonight, right?"

I nodded, "How can I forget when you tell me every show? And of course!"

He laughed. His dorky laugh that made my heart melt, "I'll be at the merch table if you need me!"

I sighed and smiled as I watched him slide through the back part of the arena to his table. This was our job now. My job now. Ryland did his usual; sell merchandise, keep things in order, move instruments back and forth between the buses and shows. I did the stage maintenance, cleaning of backstage, and ordering of food for R5. Whatever they wanted was my job to get it. Because, well, when your the biggest band in the planet, everything has to be perfect.

Ross giggled into his microphone, "so I didn't shave last night and now my chin feels all weird on the mic..."

Riker turned slightly and questioned his brother, "dude, you're like hairless. You don't need to shave for weeks."

Rocky laughed hysterically and did a guitar riff, adding on to Riker's taunt. Ross gave his brother a look and faced back to crowd, who was laughing like crazy.

"Hey, Becca!" A voice yelled to me.

I turned quickly, "Hey, Shelby! " I addressed the light green haired girl. Her big hazel eyes flicked to her boyfriend, Riker, then back. "What's up?"

She ran a hand through her crazy colored hair. "Do you know why Rydel and Ryland took us off the bus yesterday and took us shopping? I mean Rydel hates shopping and Ryland didn't look like he was having fun."

I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to hang out with us?"

She shook her head. She was always suspicious of everything. It was a trait that really bothered me about her; she had to know everything, every where, any time. "I think Ross and Rocky and Riker got into something...They were so quiet and weird when we got back and Rockys'-"

The last part was mumbled from a tense bass riff blasting through the speakers. The only part I got from reading her lips was 'Look at Rocky's hand'.

I moved to the side of the stage, far enough ahead of the boys that I could see the front angle of them. I waited for Rocky to stop jumping around the stage to check what Shelby was talking about. And then I saw it. A thick bandage was wrapped around each of his fingers. They were loose enough that he could still strum his guitar, but they were defiantly noticeable.

I looked all across the rest of him; nothing else was out of sorts. Ross and Riker were fine too. same with Rydel and Ratliff. I stared at them in thought. Why is Rocky loosing his voice? This is the first show we've performed in weeks, he never really yells, and I'm pretty sure he didn't get sick either.


"Hey, Ry?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe? What's wrong? You look kinda... distracted." Ryland looked at me oddly from the other side of the diner table.

I drummed my fingers against the table cloth. Girls were flooding into the diner, all wearing R5 merchandise. They all were freaking out about the concert, I even heard exactly what was on my mind.

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