Chapter 11

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"It's already May...." he whispered to the steering wheel. "It seems like yesterday was my birthday."

"I know, right. Yesterday, it seems, you just found out I was pregnant." I whispered back. Ryland was driving us towards the airport so he could join R5 on their way to Australia. 

Ryland chuckled, "that was 2 days ago, what are you talkin' about?" He didn't want to go, I could tell.

Ross picked Rydel up early this morning and were waiting for us at the airport with Riker and Rocky and Ratliff. Ever since they got back from their tour, that mysteriously got "Canceled", they've been frantically trying to contact the venue in Australia. That venue is the only one that they can't postpone, nor give refunds for. And, mush to Ryland's dismay, the venue firmly states that if R5 ditches them, they will never house an R5 concert again.

Ryland let his breath out slowly, "this isn't going to be a fun trip." He swallowed roughly.

"Why's that? Ryland, you look kinda pale....are you feeling alright?" I faced him.

He waited till we were parked in the LAX parking lot. He got out and opened the door for me, before getting his bags. We started walking to the shuttle before he answered, "I just have an extremely bad feeling about this.... this is the same feeling I had about the tour, but about 20 times worse." We boarded the shuttle, almost the entire bus was filled but the back row of seats.

"Ryland, you're just nervous." I smiled to him.

He shook his head, "I don't get nervous... I'm either sick or something is going to happen..."

A few people on the bus where looking at us with the expression of, who the hell do you think you are, talking to each other on a shuttle bus?

Ryland paid no mind to them. He leaned back in his seat and sighed, "Riker, Rocky, and Ratliff said they'd be landing in about an hour or 2 after we leave. I'm guessing they're halfway across the ocean by now..."

"How did the tickets get messed up?" I wondered aimlessly. "Didn't your dad get that all taken care of?"

He shrugged, "He did. But that flight was canceled because of God knows what... So Riker took it on his own hands and booked our flight. And he didn't know that the plane was over-boarded. So him, Ratliff, and Rocky got on that plane and Ross, Rydel, and I overflowed on to this plane. "That might be why I'm having such a bad feeling about this..."

"What do think will happen? Like, why are you having such a bad feeling?" I whispered.

He looked over to me, his eyes were huge and worried. "I have a bad feeling that something will happen. Not to me, or Ross, or my brothers, I think something is going to happen to Rydel. And that bad thing is going to affect you really bad too."

I looked at him for a long time until the shuttle froze. Everyone empty off the bus. still giving us strange glances. Ryland and I went through customs and started to walk towards the terminal. "What do you think will happen?"

Ryland shrugged, putting his free arm around my shoulders, "I don't know. I don't really want to think about it. Maybe it's just a dream, or something." he tried to push it out of his mind, but he still was seeming awkward.

We rounded the corner into the terminal where Rydel and Ross sat, poking fun at pictures of themselves. They noticed us immediately and sprung up to hug us.


"Still having that bad feeling?" I whispered to Ryland.

He pulled away from the magazine Rydel was reading and nodded, "Yeah..."

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