Chapter 1

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"Rebecca!" Voices screamed into the stairwell. "REBECCA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE."

I flipped my legs over my bedside. I don't wanna get up..... I looked in the mirror that covered my closet doors. My bed head mocked back at me. My pikachu baggy pajama pants covered my feet that grasped the floor as I walked to the door. I pulled open the heavy wooden door and stalked down the stairs. I stroked my fingers through my jet-black hair, pressing it out of my emerald eyes. I hated looking like my mother. I stepped to the kitchen.

My mother stood in front of the mirror, tugging her hair into a bun. "I have a new client today. A band. I think they call themselves....R5? Or something..."

"That's nice..." I muttered, looking for cereal. "Tell them i say hi."

She tutted, "could you of at least cleaned up? Or tried to look presentable?"

I mocked her with my yellow pajamas, "mom, I am presentable. I mean, who doesn't love Pikachu?"

She glared at me, "Becca, just stay out of my way. Can you do that? This band is apparently really important and will boost the labels popularity. Now, stay in the kitchen so you don't embarrass-" a knock on the door stopped her.

My twin sister, Veronica, rushed to the door and swung it open. Probably expecting One Direction to walk in again. She sighed when she saw the tall man with a receding hair line standing at the door.

Our mother rushed to the door, "why hello there. I'm Lindsay Olsen, owner of Modern Records. How are you?"

The man, who was focusing on something in the street, faced my mother and shook her hand. "Hello, I'm Mark Lynch. I'm the father of the band. I'm so glad you could arrange us in for this interview." He sounded rehearsed. as if he's done this a hundred times before. His greying brunette hair sat atop his tall figure.

My mother invited him inside as a small, plump, blonde woman approached the door. She politely hugged my mother and sister as a greeting and beamed, "I'm Stormie. I'm the mom, stylist, hairdresser, and pretty much everything else to R5." She entered the house and sat next to Mark on our couch. And, as normal, no one paid a bother to me. I poured my cereal as more people entered the house.

My sister jumped as visions of beauty walked through the house. First to take his place on the parallel couch to where Mark and Stormie sat, was a stick-thin blonde boy. His big brown eyes and shining smile lit up the room instantly. His chin looked fresh shaved and only added to his cute-dorky look; blue and white striped tie, blue button up shirt, with dark ripped jeans.

Next to sit on our couch, was a boy looking like the first. He wore the same golden hair, the same chocolate eyes, the same goofy smile. He was a little more built than the first, and he obviously was younger by the way he spoke and walked. His face was hauntingly familiar to me.

Third to enter, was a gorgeous girl. She twinned the first boys with her long shining - actually sparkling - blonde hair, big brown doe-eyes, and the same giggle that echoed through the group. She was beaming and sat next to the familiar boy. Her baby blue tutu matched her blue attire.

Two more boys entered now, one carrying drumsticks; the other carrying a guitar case. The drumstick boy sat on the opposite side of the girl and kept busy with tapping his sticks on his shoe. His dark brown swoop of hair rested above his dark eyes. The guitar boy sat squished between Drumsticks-McGee and the arm of the couch. His long hair started to fall out of his beanie as he rubbed the back of his neck. I could tell he wasn't to interested in being here.

And, when I thought the crowd couldn't get any bigger, another boy ran into the living room. Just like the others, he towered me at about 6'0. He wasn't dressed in blue like the others, he was covered in black. Black jeans, black shirt, black hat, black bracelets. He was bigger than the others, he reminded me a lot of a football player, actually. He shook my mothers hand and breathlessly said, "I'm Ryland, the little brother."

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