13. Lies

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The next day, Draco pulled me over to the shadows looking extremely agitated. Reflexively, I shook off his hand. “Why didn’t you come yesterday?” he hissed angrily. “I had a detention with Snape remember?” I said cuttingly. “Oh yeah,” he said. “Anyway, why are we in the shadows? Ashamed to speak to me in public?” I said, trying to make sense of my hurt. “No,” he said quickly, “you know it’s not that. I just can’t speak to Gryffindors.”

I gave him a piercing glare. But inside, I felt a bit relieved now that my insecurities were no longer there. “So what did you do yesterday?” I asked. He had bags under his eyes. “Nothing,” he replied simply. Then with a sad voice, “But I tried. I’m not coming up with anything!” “We are not,” I corrected him. “Yeah,” he looked up. He looked a bit malnourished. He whispered, “You know how much this mission means to me.” “And you know what it will cost. Lives.” I replied without thinking. I immediately regretted after that. “What do you mean?” he said sharply. I hesitated. Then a voice said inside me wondered; am I afraid? No, I replied myself. “I mean this mission will cost lives,” I shrugged, “which is obvious. If we succeed, Dumbledore dies. If we don’t, we die. We’ve got no choice.” It came as I was speaking. It was true. There was no choice, so killing wouldn’t be much of a sin, would it? If we are forced? “Yes,” Draco agreed, “Did you come up with anything Elvis?” “Oh by the way!” I realized suddenly, “Yesterday Snape told me something. Aunt Narcissa has made an Unbreakable Vow with Snape! Snape has promised he will look after you!”

“Oh God,” he said, exasperated. “I know,” I said, “He was trying to make us tell what we were doing. He used Legilimency too.” “Mother is too much!” Draco said angrily. “No,” I disagreed lightly, “she’s your mother. A mother is never too much right?” “Oh stop it,” he leered, “then what about your mother?” I shrugged, “So did you come up with anything?”

“Moaning Myrtle,” he said, grinning. “Huh?”I asked confused. “I just had to get my troubles out of my head,” he said jokingly but I knew that he was serious, “I couldn’t keep it inside me any longer. I.. I told Moaning Myrtle about everything.. not the mission obviously, but I told her my troubles. I’m afraid to say I even cried! Ha ha.” I rolled my eyes. Biting him on that would only make him feel really bad. “Your new girlfriend,” I joked, “Poor Pansy.”

Now Draco rolled his eyes. It was incredible that we still found time to joke around. But then again, I guess that was me. Lighting everyone up. Ha ha.

“I think we should ask for backup,” Draco said.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that we alone are not coming up with anything. And time is passing Elvis! We can’t afford to waste it by simply digging… or I don’t know, reading or.. even crying… we need actual facts. Let’s ask someone to help us.”

“There is no one to do that. This mission is top secret. You wouldn’t want to break its secrecy. Unless our family helps us, which they can’t, we are alone.”

“Damn,” he muttered.

“Today evening,” I said, catching his hand to comfort him. He may have been an idiot and a complete git last year or was still to others (though I definitely had stopped seeing that part in him) he was an awesome friend; I had never seen nor imagined that part in him. But I guess everyone had a good side in them, they just had trouble bringing it out because people (like some Gryffindors and also Harry, because he definitely hated my best friend without knowing the real him) were too prejudiced or they themselves liked to be vain, destroying the ‘good’ part of them on the exterior.

“Okay, bye,” I said hurriedly with a warm smile when I heard shuffling of feet outside. It was time for my next class.


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