Chapter twenty three

Start from the beginning

Theo and Rick are walking her down the isle. That girl has the ability to make the coldest hearts melt I swear because if I remember correctly the day she announced that she was getting married and wanted her 'two dads' to walk her down the isle there wasn't a dry eye in the room either. She asked her younger brothers Phil and Porter to be her ring bearers, they are the eight year old twins that Rick and Theo adopted when they were only newborn babies. Their mother was a young girl of fifteen who unfortunately was raped and they became the product of that horrible night. They will never know this though because all they've ever known is the very large and loving family they've grown up in. They are adorable and spoilt by all around them but it's a good spoilt because they're dads wouldn't have it any other way. Rick and Theo make fantastic parents, really it's all they've ever known so they twins are two lucky little boys.

Katie wanted her big brother/best friend in the world to be her best man. And her other big brother Ben was asked to play the piano for the ceremony. Tegan is her bridesmaid and the rest of us were to be seated right at the top of the church, everyone else behind us. That was all she wanted up there with her despite having dozens of close friends, she said that she only wanted her family. We were all touched.

The music starts, Lorcan and Tegan make their way toward us and they look fabulous. I love that man so much I could cry watching him walk toward Tom and I looking so handsome. We will never marry but that's not important to us. We have each other and our love is all we need. We did discuss having children but none of us were ever really pushed on the idea. I'm too spoilt and they just love spoiling me too much to ever feel need to have children. I know that sounds selfish of us but it's just not something we foresee for us.

I watch as Kate enters and steals the attention of everyone, as the bride should. She walks to Pete and he kisses her lightly as she reaches him. I see him shake the hands of Rick and Theo but before the ceremony starts Lorcan whispers something in his ear, first he tenses, like we all do but then he relaxes and smiles at Lorcan for the first time ever and we all know he's finally, fucking finally, after four years, accepted the poor man. The wedding is simply beautiful and the photographer takes many beautiful shots of us all afterwards.

It's a small enough reception at a near by hotel, when I say small I mean large by other families terms, there are one hundred and fifty people here. The speeches make everyone laugh, especially lorcans where he decides to embarrass the life out of the blushing bride by recalling how she had a major crush on one of the guys who wore a Mickey Mouse costume when we went on our family trip to Paris. All in all it was a brilliant, beautiful day and it was everything that girl deserved. We all watched them enter their car and leave for their honeymoon but not before crushing the poor girl in a thousand hugs. Poor Pete I hope he makes the transition into this wild clan soon, he needs to man up to survive trust me I know. It took me nearly two years to fully open up but once I did I realised I'll never need another family because I had the perfect one already.

This finally includes my older brother Daniel. He completed rehab and tried to renter my life but unfortunately he slipped up and used again. Tom and Lorcan were furious when they came home to find me with a very large black eye one day. I still shiver to this day when I think back on that day. It was Daniels lucky day that Ramos, Lenny, Bob and Jackson were coming to dinner that evening, Ramos, Bob and Lenny barely contained both of them.  Jackson managed to contact Rick, Theo and the others and by the time they got there my men were nearly free to go kill. The guys talked them down but I was terrified. I'd just seen yet again what a fit of anger could cause and I didn't like it on my men. I stayed with Ben and Dar for a few days and all I knew about Dan was that he was back in the hospital for rehab. I knew I could trust them but I was scared, it didn't take long for it to blow over but it was definitely a bump in the road.

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