Fearing life

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Everyone has fears

Demons that shadow you

Gripping your heart

Shattering your soul

Anxiety, shallow breaths

Sweaty palms, dark depths

She lies there searching

Why is her stomach lurching?

She runs from the light

Takes shelter in the darkness

They follow her there

Mocking her withdrawal

She had been broken many a time

Betrayed, walked over

She has learned to fear what others cherish

Surviving life

She searches for an answer

A sign, a message, a notion

Of why she despairs

Life in motion

Then she realised

It is not surviving life that she fears

But the obstacles and heartbreaks

That comes with living it.

What she doesn't know

Is that someone is watching from afar

Ready to pick up the tattered pieces

May it be her mind or her soul(mate)

Poems For The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now