Ride of love

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Love is like a Ferris wheel ride
There are times when you are high up
Looking down at the world below
Letting out your worries with a happy sigh
feeling like you are at the top of the world

There are also times when you are down low
Where you've reached the depths and you can touch the ground
No rush of excitement or thrill
Only a stagnant feeling - the one you carried with you when you boarded the ride.... let be happiness or sadness

But what makes the ride special is the journey up,
When you anticipate the feeling of pleasure
When you know everything is going to be better,
And the journey down
When though u may be sad that the ride is over,
You carry the memory of happiness with you

But remember that there are also times when the Ferris wheel can frighten you,
The breeze causing your carriage to sway from side to side
But always remember
It will all be worth it to be on top, the happiest you ever been throughout the ride.

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