Chapter 20

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Tora POV

After hearing Shay explain what had happened, I got up and ran upstairs to my room. I sat on the bed and sobbed quietly as I looked at my hands on my lap. I couldn't get it through my head... why would Grandpa Vegeta do that? Risk his life to save mine? He never once actually told me he loved me, but Grandma said he did very much. She said he has a hard time expressing himself, which makes sense. I mean, this is Grandpa Vegeta we're talking about.

I clenched my fist as I heard everyone down stairs talking. Some I could hear crying, others in rage. And I felt as if it were my fault...

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, revealing Grandpa Goku. "Can I come in?" he asked politely. I hung my head and nodded as I rubbed my teary eye. Grandpa Goku came in and sat next to me. "I know you're feeling like this is your fault... but it isn't, Tora. It was an accident." he said.

"B-But why'd he have to go and be so-"

"Arrogant? Well that's how Vegeta is. Trust me! I know." Grandpa continued as he stared into nothing and smiled, probably at the memory of Grandpa Vegeta.

I hugged Grandpa Goku and sighed. "I... I know. It was just an accident." I reassured myself. I let go of Grandpa and wiped my tears. "How's Grandma Bulma?" I asked curiously.

"She's... very sad. But she knows your Grandfather only does the things he does because he loves someone that much."

I blinked innocently. "...Really?"

"Well of course!" Grandpa Goku replied happily. I smiled warmly at Grandpa Goku's encouraging words. "Feeling a little better?" he asked. I stopped crying so I guess I was feeling slightly better. I nodded.

Grandpa stood up. "We have some leftovers on the table! Why don't you get something to eat? You must be starving."

I held my stomach that growled at the words "leftovers". I was hungry... Maybe some food would do me some good. I nodded once more. "I'll be down in a minute."

With that, Grandpa left the room. I rolled over and lay on my back with my arms behind my head, just staring at the ceiling. Something in the back of my mind knew I could fix this... but how?

I suddenly shivered. I looked over and saw that the window had been open but not shut all the way, letting in a draft. Probably done by Shay. I jumped outta bed and ran over to the window and shut it. But something beside the window, on the floor, shined and caught my eye...

I reached down and picked up my Four-Star Dragon Ball. Grandpa Goku gave it to me for my 10th birthday and I loved it so much. He said if you collect seven of these, a magical dragon will grant you any three wishes. But Grandpa Goku said the more wishes you make, the more bad energy builds up in the spheres and can cause a lot of problems. So he said not to ever collect the Dragon Balls and make wishes again. Over the years, everyone forgot about the Dragon Balls, but I never did. And this was my ray of hope! I really could wish Grandpa Vegeta back!

I smiled at the Dragon Ball excitedly and then ran down stairs. My eyes scanned the area for Shay, who was sitting alone looking depressed on the sofa. Everyone else was in the kitchen talking, so this was perfect. I ran over to Shay who looked at me in surprise. "I... take it your feeling better?" she asked curiously she noticed my expression.

I plopped down next to her and held up the Dragon Ball. "You see this?"

Shay nodded. "Nice pearl... thing. Cool how there's stars in it" she said with a smile.

I shook my head. "It's called a Dragon Ball. There are seven of them in all, marked by the number of stars they each contain. They're scattered all over the world, and if you find them all, you can summon an eternal dragon... that grants wishes. Wishes like bringing dead people back to life!" I explained, hardly being able to contain my joy.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now