Chapter 15

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Shay-z's POV:

I flew up to Oran and landed in front of him, smirking. He looked shocked to see that I was okay, but his expression left when he looked over and saw Vegeta lying dead on the ground. I couldn't look at Vegeta. He'd wasted senzu beans on us, when he needed one too. Why did he give one to me? I wasn't anything to him. I was just a little orphan girl who happened to be an alien like him. Maybe that was it. I remembered Vegeta talking about the Saiyan planet exploding, and that my parents must've escaped. Maybe he thought that we had to protect one another, because we were the only ones left...

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and while Oran was distracted, made the first move. I flashed in front of him and punched him in the stomach, then in the face several times before he pulled himself together and started to fight back. 

He got in a few punches, but I was too furious to notice the pain. He'd killed my parents, Vegeta, and tried to kill me. He was going to die, even if it meant I had to go with him.

I was in rage. Punching and kicking and screaming. I heard someone yell my name in the distance. Probably Tora. She was wanting me to calm down. I couldn't. He killed the only people I'd ever loved and trusted until now, and he wasn't going to get away with it.

Suddenly I felt her pulling me away from him. I fought her, but she had a firm grip around my small, thin, fragile body. I almost punched her, but I was able to stop myself. I buried my face in my hands. Then she wasn't holding me back anymore, she was hugging me.

"Don't blind yourself with rage, okay?" she said. "I'm mad too, but you've gotta keep a clear head, or you'll never win." She still had tears on her face.

I nodded. She was right. That was a lesson in fighting that my dad had taught me; that and to never let your guard down. Maybe that was why I had a hard time trusting people; I never let my guard down to see what kind of person they really were.

She let go of me, and went back to Apele, who was trying to stand back up. I flew over to Oran, who was waiting for me.

"Are you finished saying goodbye to your friend?" he asked. "I'm pretty sure you won't get another chance."

"And I hope you said bye to your family before you came for me, because I doubt you'll ever see them again until they join you in Otherworld!" I screamed, charging up my power.

I felt my hair almost standing on ends. There was no wind, so it was probably the built up strength inside of me. I calmed down, and was ready to attack him head on. I wasn't going to be able to distract him with anything unless Tora would let me point out that his little kitten Apele was about to be a pile of ashes, but I didn't want to put her in any more danger. She came to help, and I didn't want her to die if I could help it. 

I was almost at my max power, and I knew there was no way he could beat me now. I ran at him, and when I was right in front of him, he threw a punch at my face. I flashed to behind him and punched him in the back. He staggered forward, then regained his balance and turned to face me.

His eyes were now full of anger, and I knew that would be his downfall. He would die the way I would've if Tora hadn't helped me. He would go down blind with rage.

I punched him in the nose, then quickly flashed next to him and kicked him in the side. I tried to kick him again, but this time he saw it coming, and grabbed my leg.

I wasn't worried. I could easily jerk away. 

I thought I could, anyway.

I tried to pull away, thinking I could without any trouble. But I couldn't. He had a grip that was unbreakable.

"You got cocky." he whispered in my ear.

Then he threw me across the desert, and I couldn't catch myself for some reason. I prepared for the impact that shortly followed, and managed to land on my feet.

I looked behind me to Oran, standing not two feet away from me. He punched me in the stomach, and then punched me in the face. I went flying again. 

This time, I landed with my face in the dirt. He was right, I did get cocky. I thought I could've beaten him alone without reaching my limits, but it appeared that I didn't have any choice.

I stood, wiped the blood from my lip, and started to power up. Oran was smirking a few yards away, and I was ready to wipe it off his face. I took a stance, and looked over to Tora. It looked like she was having a staring contest with Apele, the way she was glaring at him, but I knew they were each waiting for the other to make the first move.

I had a plan, but Tora had to trust me for it.

"Tora!!!" I screamed, and she looked over at me, like I was about to die.

"Clear out!" I yelled. "And whatever you do, do NOT come within a two mile radius of this place!"

She looked at me curiously, but didn't object. She also didn't agree.

"And no matter what happens over here, do NOT come back!"

That made her expression change to worry. But I knew she saw that I was certain of this, and she nodded, flying away quickly. 

Apele looked ready for the chase, and followed Tora.

Perfect, I thought, and then crossed my arms, charging energy, and giving Tora time to get away. 

When I was sure she was a safe distance away, I used my last resort. I screamed and whipped my arms around my body:


Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora