Chapter 9

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Shay-z's POV:

Tora stormed into the waiting room, seething. I was about to ask what was wrong, when the roof started to give, and I pulled her out the door as quickly as I could.

A few minutes later some fire people came and put the fire out, and then the tournament was back on. Man, I thought. These people won't stop fighting if the world is about to end!

Tora was just standing there, her arms folded, looking like she didn't want to talk to anyone. I decided to let her cool down before I asked her, plus it was my turn anyway.

The still shocked announcer stuttered that it was my turn to fight Maron, so I waved to Tora, who ignored it, and walked to the arena. Maron stood on the opposite side, looking confident. I doubted she had even looked at any of my previous fight, so this would be a piece of cake.

I waited for the gong, and when it sounded, I just stood there, acting like nothing was happening. Maron was ready to get the fight started, so she quickly made the first move.

A little too quickly.

In the blink of an eye, I had run up to her, punched her in the face, then in the gut, and then left her lying on the edge of the arena, me on the other side, acting like nothing happened.

The referees didn't know what to think, so they let us be. I smiled at Maron once she stood and looked at me.

She had fury in her eyes, and she was ready for blood. She ran at me, but I jumped into the air, and hung out there for a few minutes.

Maron kept yelling at me that flying wasn't fair because she didn't know how, and a bunch of other useless junk that no one cared about. Finally, I took pity on her and landed.

Well, landed on her.

I fell from the sky and landed on Maron's shoulders. The crowd cheered for me, and before Maron knew what was going on, I'd kicked her in the side of the head, sending her flying. She landed outside the ring, and didn't even try to get up. I knew I hadn't broken anything. The one thing I was good at was managing my strength.

I walked back to the waiting room that was in ruins to find Tora, sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall. I went over to a water cooler and got us both a cup, then walked back and handed her hers.

She took it and gulped it down, but didn't say a word. Maybe she didn't want to talk about it because, odd enough as it was, I'd only met her the day before, and I was guessing she hadn't gained my full trust. But she had mine. Every ounce of me trusted her with every secret I had, there just wasn't enough time to tell her all of them.

I looked around the stands at all the people that were cheering and having fun, and saw a familiar face, well, a familiar smile. He seemed to be looking at me, someone next to him following his gaze. He raised his glass to me, and then turned his attention back to the ring.

Tora's fight was next, but they decided to take a quick lunch break so that the remaining contestants could refuel. I walked with Tora to the food, and we grabbed some rice and sat on the floor in the corner of the room.

Tora barely touched her food, and I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I thought she would've already told me if she'd wanted to, and I didn't want to pry information out of her if she didn't want to share it, so I kept to myself. We ate in silence.

After we ate, we still had time to spare, so I thought I'd try some conversation to ease her bad mood.

"Did you see the fight?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Was it sloppy that time?"

She shrugged.

I was obviously getting nowhere, so I stood and took our bowls back and set them on a tray with others. I then walked back to the ruins of the waiting room.

I tried not to think about my friendship with Tora. I tried to think about winning the tournament as if my life depended on it, but my thoughts kept going back to Tora and my parents and the smile on the killer's face. I sat in a corner, hugging my knees, and realizing just how lonely I was before I met Goku and Tora and the rest of them.

I put my head on my knees and cried silently for my horrible life.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora