Chapter 16

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Tora POV

I took heed to Shay's warning and flew away as fast as I could from the battle scene. Apele didn't follow me at first; he just stood in awe and watched Shay. But when he felt her energy spike he took off after me, scrambling to get some speed.

After we were a safe enough distance away, Apele and I both came to a halt and turned around. I turned and looked at Apele who stood beside me.".......Hey. W-What's a two mile radius?" I asked curiously.

Apele took a step back in disgust. "Why are you asking me, you little brat!?"

Suddenly, my attention was brought back to Shay, as I heard her scream something about scissors; I couldn't make out all of it cause' she was pretty far away. But I was surprised as Shay sent out energy blasts that made a blinding light that engulfed the small area. I shielded my eyes with my arm as everything, including the very air, seemed to shake. Rubble flew everywhere, and luckily, a rock hit Apele right in the head. Haha! He rubbed the bump and I saw a hint of tears in his eyes. I couldn't help but giggle. 'You had it coming, jerk.' I thought to myself.

The rumbling faded into silence. I lowered my arm slowly and looked at the damage Shay had done. Rocks and rubble were lying everywhere, and there was no sign of Oran. But just because I couldn't see him doesn't mean he's dead. Oran's energy signal was still very much alive.

As the dust cleared more, I saw Shay and ex-hailed in relief. I knew she had things taken care of and turned back to Apele... who was not where I had left him. I looked around in panic, my heart beating faster and faster. The only thing in my mind that was scaring me to death was his sword. You can't sense his energy when he uses that attack.

I spun around and, to my surprise, dodged Apele's sword attack just in time. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, and I had time to realize that the end of my hair had been chopped off. "EEK!!" I screamed nervously. "T-That was too close!!"

I landed on the ground and quickly got in my stance, Apele doing the same. He reached back and put his sword back in its sheath. I smirked confidently as I just noticed I still held my new Super Saiyan form. I powered up with a yell, and for a split second, Apele looked afraid.

It was a good time to make the first move, so what the heck? I leaped forward and punched Apele right in the face before he even knew what hit him. Then I spun around and used a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. Apele staggered back a ways then got himself composed again. He wiped the blood from his nose and grinned deviously. Apele then rushed after me and quickly did a swipe with his leg underneath my feet. I was knocked off balance and landed on my back; this was a very bad position I was in.

Apele went to stomp on my stomach, but I instinctively used Instant Transmission. Phew! And did not just in time! I ended up behind Apele and thought I should throw in some more attacks! I started to punch and kick him Apele the back. He fell forwards but then made it into a front flip; landing back on his feet. He turned around and growled. I knew I had the upper hand.

Apele and I both had the same idea to charge at each other, and we ended up fighting so fast it was hard to see. We rose into the air while our fists kept flying. Once in a while our punches or kicks would collide at the same time and create a loud boom, like an explosive had gone off. My stamina was going down dramatically though. Super Saiyan is strong, but it takes a lot of energy to keep it. So in a way, because of this I was very slowly losing, even if I didn't show it much.

I couldn't keep fighting in close-up combat. I was out of breath, bit to my advantage, so was Apele. We both jumped back and landed once again on the ground. I panted heavily and Apele held his stomach. I seemed to have made a lot of damage to Apele, but he also had done the same to me. I was beat up pretty bad, so I thought of something Grandpa Vegetables had taught me. But... was I ready to actually try it and succeed?

I got in my stance and tried to focus. I stood facing Apele and brought my arms out in front of me. I struggle to get the kai flowing into my hands, but soon enough, lighting snapped and my attack was growing bigger by the second. Time to say the words I loved hearing Grandpa Vegeta say:

"Final!!" I shouted. "FLASH!!!"

I fired my blast and a wave of energy came out of my hands. The ground shook and all I could hear was the loud roaring of my attack.

Apele's eyes were filled with fear. I immediately held his hands out in front of him. "Ultimate Hammer Gun!!" he shouted.

Apele shot an attack at my attack and our blasts collided. This reminded me of the story Uncle Gohan told me, the one about him at the Cell Games.

I pushed hard, trying to overpower Apele, but it wasn't going to be easy. Uncle Gohan only had one arm to use though, so I should be able to do it!! I yelled and put more power into my Final Flash. I shut my eyes tight as a tear ran down my cheek. I was scared. If I let go, Apele's blast could kill me.

I gritted my teeth. "No! I'm. Not. Going to let it end like this!!!" I powered up and stood strong. Apele killed Grandpa Vegeta, and I wasn't going to let him get away with it! I started walking forwards and pushing Apele's attack back more and more, towards him. I just kept Grandpa Vegetables in my mind. I yelled to the top of my lungs and out all the power I had left into everything I had. It was over.

I opened my eyes and breathed heavily. I lowered my arms stiffly and looked around as the dust cleared. Apele was nearly dead on the ground. He sat up slowly and held his bleeding shoulder. I started to walk up to him with a scowl. "Heh.... Ultimate Hammer Gun?" I asked sarcastically.

Apele sprung to his feet and pointed at me. "Final Flash!? You're attack name isn't any better!!" he shouted angrily. Apele then sneered. "Don't think you've won, girl. We'll meet again. SOLAR FLARE!!"

A blinding light was created and I held my eyes. What is it with me and having trouble with my eyes lately!? And how does Apele know that move?

After a while I could see again... but Apele had vanished. I stood with a cocky smile as a faint wind blew through my hair. "Heh... Yes we will meet again."

I turned around as my attention was brought to rumbling from far away. Shay must be going at it with Oran, but I was too tired to help... "G-Good luck..." I said weakly. I fell over backwards and lay on the ground, exhausted. I felt so proud of myself. After all, Saiyans do have a lot of pride.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now