Chapter 13

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Shay-z's POV:

I watched Vegeta carry Tora away. Tora looked worried, and I smiled, hopefully reassuring, and if that didn't work, I gave her a thumbs up. I loved Tora like a sister, and I knew I was making the right choice to not risk getting her hurt.

I faced Oran and Apele as strongly as I could, but I was scared too. I didn't want to fight them myself, to be completely honest, but I'd rather die than one of Tora's family members get hurt.

"Not here," I said, then flew into the sky.

The boys were right behind me, and I knew that to go to the place I was willing to fight them, we would have to fly right past Tora and her family. It was the only risk I was going to take, because I was Oran's target, not them.

I flew as fast as I could with the boys on my tail. They must've been Saiyan hunters or something, or else they wouldn't be after me. I flew right past Vegeta carrying Tora, but didn't even look at her I was concentrated on getting away from them. While I was still in their sights, I quickly turned Super Saiyan and flew even faster. Oran and Apele didn't so much as glance at Tora, and I was glad that they were taking what little bait I could give them. I landed in the desert that I used to train in forever.

They landed about 50 yards away from me. "We fight here, or you don't fight at all. I could just send you both to the afterlife right now!"

"I would watch your mouth if I were you!" Apele yelled at me, but I didn't so much as flinch. I was stronger on the inside as well when I was Super Saiyan.

"I believe we didn't come here just to bad mouth one another," Oran said. "Are we fighting or are you going to give empty threats all day!?"

"Believe me," I said, "my threats are never empty." And with that, I attacked full force.

I got in a punch or two on both of them before they came to their senses and decided to fight back. Apele gave me a punch in the chest, and Oran kicked me full force in the side. I swear he broke at least a couple ribs.

I staggered back a few steps before regaining my balance. I threw a kai blast at both of them, but they easily dodged it. I kicked and punched, but they blocked those, too.

"You shouldn't have denied the help your friends had offered!" Apele yelled, punching me in the face.

"Apele, let's just get this over with. I have Saiyans to hunt and destroy now that this one has led us to others."

That clicked in my head more than anything else, and my power shot up. I could feel the rage in my eyes, and I put a powerful kick on the side of Oran's head. He fell to the ground, but he wasn't as dead as I wished he could've been.

His ear was bleeding when he stood again, and he spit blood onto the ground, along with a tooth. He had rage in his face, but it was masked a little by the growing bruise in his cheek. I laughed at the sight of him with a half purple face.

That only made his rage grow, and he ran at me with his hands out in front of him. He looked ready to choke me, and I took to the air to try to avoid it. He flew right up after me.

He grabbed my leg, and stopped flying, but I was strong enough to keep going. I went higher and higher until the air got so thin I could barely breathe, then turned and plunged back down to earth.

I stopped a few feet from the ground, and Oran hit the dirt hard. He let go of my leg, and I flew into the sky again.

He yelled a few beautiful choice words my way, which didn't faze me. I was winning at the moment, and that was all I could ask for.

I wished Tora was there rooting me on, but she would've been in the way, maybe even dead by now.

I threw powerful kai blasts at Oran, and he didn't dodge or block them. Instead, he deflected them: right at Apele.

Apele dodged them quickly. "What was that for?" he yelled.

Oran looked at him, and from Apele's expression, it wasn't a very kind gaze. "That was for just standing there!!! KILL HER!!"

Apele nodded, and then said something, and a huge wave of energy hit me without me even noticing it. I fell to the ground fast, and face planted hard into the dirt.

I heard them both laughing maniacally from my state which was somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"Should we kill her or make her a slave with her friend?" I think Apele asked.

"We should kill her," Oran answered. "Her and that other girl together could be dangerous."

"Then let's kill the other girl! Do you know what we could have a Super Saiyan do? We could make her do anything we wanted for however long we wanted. Her body could take it!"

"Apele," Oran said warningly.

"Sorry, Oran, but just think!"

I heard him make an 'hmm...' sound as he thought of ways he could torment me.

"And it would be awful to reunite her with her family so soon..." Apele said.

"You're right, let's kill the brat with a dirty little mouth." He then repeated Tora's choice word, but I was sure she only used it to make herself appear tougher and braver. I felt one of them try to pick me up. I kicked a little, but was too weak to fight back. I was surprised I was still Super Saiyan after the blast I'd taken.

I decided that if I was able to stay Super, then I was able to keep fighting. It took some effort, but I was able to get back into the air, and get in a stance for my last resort move.

"Aww," one of them said. "Looks like she still has some fight left in her. Apele, do something to make her give up.

"Scissor...." I started, gathering energy.

Apele was too fast, and I couldn't gather enough energy in time to save myself. He hit me in the stomach as hard as he could, then shot a kai blast from close up into my face. I was back on the ground in a matter of seconds. This time, my hair turned black, and I couldn't even try to fly again.

It would soon be over, and I was down for the count. Soon I would be a slave, and would stay that way for the rest of my life.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now