Chapter 10

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Tora's POV:

I was still raging about my embarrassing match with Pan. I could tell Shay was being respectful of my mood, which pleased me. I looked over and giggled quietly as I saw her eating my food I had left. Shay ate like Goku, only in a more... err... polite manner. I heard the announcer say my name against someone that I hoped not to be here. But then again, my opponent was here at the very best time: when I was ticked. 

I stood up and walked out into the ring, ignoring the boos from the crowd. I faced one of the people a dreaded...  

"Hello, Dora." the girl said in a stuck up voice. 

I scowled. "It's Tora, Reana." 

Reana was a stuck up, rich, weak girl my age who had a snobby, British accent and usually tried to pay her way to the finals. She was always trying to collect evidence to prove to everyone that I wasn't human, which would ruin everything. I'm not surprised if she took photos of my Kamehameha already. I had met Reana once here, 6 years ago. 

Reana giggled. "I see you messed up again, just like when we were kids." 

"Oh I'm glad you're here, Reana... You're the last person on earth I want to see but I couldn't be happier." I said sarcastically as I got in my stance. 

Reana got in her stance as well and sneered. "Some welcoming..."  

"You want a welcoming? Then by all means! Welcome to the end of your life, and I promise it is going to hurt..." 

I looked up into the crowd from the corner of my eye and saw Grandpa Vegeta grinning from ear to ear. Was it something I said? 

"Alright!! BEGIN!" the announcer said dramatically again... 

I said quietly, "....Humans... are pathetic. I know toddlers who fight better than them..." 

The gong rung and Reana and I rushed towards each other at the same time. I threw a punch at her face and it knocked her off her feet, onto her back. I went to punch her again, but then she threw some kind of dust in my eyes in a way that no one else could see what happened. Darn it stung like crazy. "AHHH HAHAAA!!!!" I screamed as I held my eyes and cried. "Y-You CHEATER!!!" 

I tried to look around but everything was blurry. I could just barely see Shay with a worried look on her face. "Tora!! Y-You can do it!! Kick her butt!!" she shouted encouragingly. 

I then heard Grandpa Goku saying, "Tora! You can do it! You don't need your eyes to see!" 

I nodded and sensed Reana behind me. I spun around and punched her in the face, and not just once, I kept going and going, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of the ring. I knew I was at the edge, so I made my final blow a big one. And this match... was over. 

I heard a man from in the crowd yell, "That girl dare' is a cheater! She threw some darn sand or somthin' in that blue-haired girls eyes!" I was surprised... someone actually caught that. 

I heard the announcer run over to me and he examined my eyes. "T-That gentleman is right! A fee is in order for cheating, sense Reana can't be disqualified because... well... she already is." 

Reana stood up and drunkenly said, "W-Wat!? Dat's not... true! Unggg..." and then she fell over. I smiled. I love it when a cheater is found out. Eh, but I wish there was more than a fee, I mean Reana is a millionaire. My vision was coming back and I saw the crowd suddenly cheer. I wasn't used to the whole place cheering for me like that... 

I saw Grandpa Goku smiling big and Grandpa Vegeta nodded. I felt pretty darn good, even though it wasn't a good fight for me. But! Then I heard the announcer say it was the finals... and I was going against Shay, just as I planned. Looks like I'll have a good fight, after all.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now