Chapter 7

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Shay-z's POV

The announcer drew the first two names, but they were random people I'd never met before. I thought I recognized one of them from a store I used to steal food from when I was desperate, and I thought he recognized me too, with the way he looked at me. Either way, it didn't matter; he didn't have any proof anymore and I was sure they'd let the case drop by now.

The next four groups that were pulled I didn't recognize any of them. It was down to me, Tora, Maron, Pan, Some random dude with purple hair, and some other random person.

Maron's name was called, and she stepped forward, looking confident. Her opponent was called a few moments later, and she was fighting the random person that I didn't know.

Next they called Pan, who stepped forward, hands on hips. Tora was to be her opponent.

Then it was down to just me and the dude with the purple hair. I don't know why they pulled our names, but they did.

"The final match will be Shay-z verses Trunks!" The guy announced, trying to sound enthusiastic, but I could tell he really wanted to leave.

I found Tora in a room in the back where we were supposed to wait until we were supposed to fight.

"Cool! You got stuck with Uncle Trunks!" she said.

"Uncle?" I asked, and then was hit with a bigger thought. "Stuck?"

"He's my dad's best friend, and my mom's brother, so yeah, he's my uncle. And you got stuck with him. He's real big about going easy on newbies, and pounding the strong hard. He likes to win, though, so watch your back."

"Thanks," I said. I looked around at the sixteen people filling the small room we were in, and I didn't like it. I shuddered, wishing for a way out.

Soon the tournament had begun, and Maron was up first, along with her stranger dude. The guy looked pathetic. He had nerdy clothes and hardly any muscles. I would've bet my whole allowance that he was in this under a dare if I'd actually had an allowance.

The battle started, and Maron ran at the poor guy like he was the last piece of bacon on a plate. He was punched in the gut and soared out of the ring, ending the match.

I stared with my mouth hanging open to the ground. Maron didn't look tough at all. She looked like a normal high school student, actually. Small, thin, not buff.

The next four matches were random people, and then it was my turn.

"Good luck!" Tora said, patting me on the back, and then giving me a thumbs up.

"You ever think that you give thumbs up to too many people?"

She dropped her hand quickly and held it behind her back. She smiled at me. "Hehehe..."

I walked into the arena and was happy to be in an open space again. It was nice to feel the breeze and not be surrounded by strangers that might want to shoot me.

Trunks walked out confidently. He had his head held high and looked like he knew he would win already. He turned and saw me, then mouthed, "You new at this?"

Part of me wanted to tell him no, that I was a professional, but I wanted to surprise him and show to him that I was better than your normal amateur. I nodded.

He nodded back and took a stance, and again I didn't bother with it, acting like I didn't know what was going on. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Tora looking at me, worried. I guess my acting was better than I thought if I had her convinced. When Trunks wasn't looking, I winked at her, and she finally got the message.

The gong sounded and Trunks was on top of me. He had me pinned by the arms on the ground, and I acted like I couldn't break his grip. He smiled and decided to take pity on me, getting off so I could have a chance.

Again there wasn't enough room to do the Scissor Attack here. It would have killed every spectator, plus it would have given away my secret. I decide to punch him instead.

He let me punch him, thinking I wouldn't be strong enough to cause any damage, but at the last moment, I built up a burst of energy that flung him across the ring. He would've been out if he hadn't flown to catch himself.

He landed back in the ring and looked at me, puzzled. I knew he could've taken the hit if he'd been expecting it, but he hadn't been, so I'd had the advantage for a moment. I still had that one trick left though, but I'd promised myself before I came here that I would win by using that trick only if I had too.

Trunks took the air, thinking he'd have an advantage up there. I let him think that, and looked up at him. I shot a few kai blasts, but he dodged them easily.

I saw Tora again, trying to yell something. "What are you doing?" I saw her mouth to me. She might have been yelling it, but I couldn't hear her over the fans of Trunks.

"You'll see," I mouthed back, and she threw her arms into the air in defeat.

Trunks shot down a rain of kai blasts, each of which I dodged so quickly, everyone gasped, thinking I hadn't moved at all.

Trunks gaped when he saw me in the same spot I'd started at, not a scratch on me. Tora looked pleased that I'd royally messed with her uncle. I saw a man point to his wrist. Hurry up. Finally, I decided to end this.

I flew up into the air and stopped right in front of Trunks, who again gaped at me.

"You're not supposed to underestimate your opponent, remember?" I said, almost like you would see in a horror movie. I punched him hard in the gut, then kicked him in the chest and sent him flying across the arena. This time he couldn't catch himself, and he landed outside the ring, stunned.

I flew back down to the ground as Trunks was getting to his feet. I landed next to him and he offered his hand. I shook it nervously.

"You won't have the element of surprise next time," he warned me.

"I know," I said, looking up at the bracket. It said I would fight Maron next. "Honestly, I don't think I'll need it."

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora