Chapter 19

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Shay-z's POV

We got back to Capsule Corp around nine. Tora started crying worse then I'd ever seen her cry, and I assured her I would break the bad news about Vegeta if she couldn't.

We walked inside, and a moment later we were surrounded by her family, all of them happy to see us alright and asking for details.

"Everyone, give them some space," Goku said. "After all, they did just get back from their first huge battle on their own."

I smiled as Tora ran up to Goku and gave him a bear hug. It reminded me of me and my dad, but I quickly shook the thought from my head.

I saw Bulma standing in the doorway to the kitchen, looking directly at me. Before I could tell her anything, Goku forced me and Tora into the living room and onto the sofa. Everyone else sat on the floor and looked anxious to hear our story.

"Go ahead," Pan said. "Tell us everything that happened."

Tora was looking at her hands, and I knew she couldn't even start to tell the story, so I began.

"Well," I started, "You guys left me, which you know, and I flew past you guys to lead Oran and Apele away from everyone at the tournament."

Trunks was standing in a corner of the room. "At least you won your fight," he said. "Now I can have that rematch."

"Shut up and let me tell my story," I told him.

A few people ooh'd playfully, others laughed.

"Anyway," I said, "We got to the desert, and I was getting beat pretty bad. Even as a Super, I was getting nowhere. I was on the ground, and would be with my parents right now if Tora hadn't gotten there when she had."

I saw Tora smile at me from the corner of my eye, and I smiled back. I had to tell them the bad news when it had happened, or else everything would be mixed up.

"I was out the whole time Tora was fighting, but then Vegeta came in and gave me a bean or something and I was awake again in no time! I was awake in time to see Tora get stabbed by Apele and Vegeta catch her, then he gave her a bean too."

I didn't want to say the next part, but I had too. Then I got the bright idea to skip that part until the end, and then everyone can be sad after my amazing story.

"So then Tora takes Apele, and lets me fight Oran. Our fights happened side by side for a while, but pretty soon I got a brilliant idea to use my original attack, and told her to get away. I used my attack, but Oran escaped it unharmed."

No one but Goku knew how disastrous my attack was. He didn't look too shocked though. He'd been able to escape it as well.

"Then he snuck up behind me and kicked me in the neck," I said, rubbing the bruise on the back of my neck, "and he sent me flying. I'd run out of energy then, and wasn't able to stay Super."

This got worried and interested expressions from everyone. I quickly continued the story, so that they didn't stay worried for long.

"Then the strangest thing happened. He offered to help me stand, but I never looked at him. He said I was strong and worth fighting. Then he told me that the weak are as good as dead in this universe, and only the strong survive. That got me mad, because he was calling my parents weak." I clenched my fists, and tried to stay seated. I wanted to get up and go to where I'd left his body, and blow it to bits, just to be sure.

I felt Tora's hand on my arm, and I looked at her. She looked serious, and like she was reassuring me that he was gone and never to be seen again. I nodded, and unclenched my fists.

"Then I found the strength to use one last attack. I charged up energy while one of Tora's attacks had Oran distracted. I flew up into the air, and even managed to go Super again! Then, I used a move that Tora demonstrated: the Kamehameha."

People got excited all around us. Goku looked amazed.

"How?" he asked. "It takes time to learn that move!"

"I'm a quick learner," I told him, the exact same way I'd told Oran.

"So?" Maron asked impatiently. "What happened?"

"I yelled, 'This is for my parents!' then shot the blast at him. Once the dust and everything had cleared, I saw him lying on the ground, dead. Then I went and found Tora. I don't know what happened at her fight. Only how it ended."

I looked over at Tora, who really didn't want to say anything. So I told them the bad news instead.

"Listen guys," I said, suddenly serious. "Vegeta was killed saving Tora. Apele stabbed him in the back with a dagger. Tora and I buried him in the desert. I'm really sorry." I started crying along with Tora. I hugged her and we sobbed together while her family tried to digest the information. Bulma walked out of the room. I wiped my eyes with one hand, and I kept the other around Tora. Goku got up and went to comfort Bulma.

"I wish I could've done something, really," I said, "but I couldn't."

"Don't worry about it," Pan said. "We know that it wasn't your fault, and that's all that matters."

I smiled at her, and then Tora got up and walked to her room.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now