Chapter 8

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Tora PoV

I sat with my back against the wall in the waiting room of the tournament.

In the corner of my eye I caught Shay walk in through door way. Her body lauguage said it all: she won the fight. Which I knew, of course. Shay is very strong, and I wanted to fight her again so bad!! I planned to make sure everything went according to plan so I'd get that chance in the finals.

I stood up "Congrats!" I said with a wink.

Shay turned to me and smiled. "Thanks."

I punched the air as a warm up. "Eh, but you were a little sloppy." I said sarcastically.

"What?" Shay questioned, irritation in her voice.

I then heard the announcer say my name verses Pan. I made a fist in determination."Just watch a master at work." I said in a cocky tone.

Pan and I walked side my side out of the room towards the ring.

I was confident! That was... until... I looked around and saw all the hundreds of people cheering, but then their cheering faded to murmuring as they saw me enter the ring. I was forced to hang my head low and try to hide my face.

Pan bumped me with her shoulder. "It's okay, Tora. Forget it." she whispered seriously.

Truth is I've had a past just like everyone else, and some of it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. And every time I try to forget, something comes up and I remember it as clear as day all over again. 6 years... I've been caught in this memory loop... That's why I like Shay, cause' she knows how it can feel to have a painful memory. Maybe our memories are different, but they still share the same kind of sadness. I haven't told Shay yet, but maybe I will... just maybe.

Me and Pan entered the ring, and then faced each other from a good distance. My heart raced and I breathed heavily.

The announcer held his microphone dramatically. "Alright let's have a clean fight! Now! BEGIN!"

The gong sounded, but I couldn't move. I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt dizzy. Pan looked at me in confusion, wondering what I was waiting for. I looked through the crowd and my eyes caught Grandpa Vegeta. He was looking at me in disgust, but then he shouted, "What are you, a coward!?"

I mouthed, N-No...

"Then prove me wrong!!" Grandpa Vegeta shouted back.

That ticked me off. I forced myself to get composed again. I then powered up and charged at Pan. I threw a punch at her face, but she pushed my fist aside and punched me in the gut. Then Pan kicked me in the side of the head, making me go flying. Luckily I caught myself, just as Shay did. I rushed back over to Pan and quickly did a side-slash with my leg underneath her feet. She was knocked off balance, and that was my chance! I started to punch her repeatedly in the face, Pan eventually started blocking it, but hey, it hurt her! But I was wasting too much of my energy and not doing enough damage. Then, Pan started to punch back when I was in thought and succeeded at causing much pain. I found an opening to leap backwards and got in my stance once again. But before I could even do that Pan rushed over to me and punched me in the gut again.

I dropped to my knees and spit on the ground. I had to come up with something quick. Today just was NOT my day for hand-to-hand combat fighting, but maybe a power move would finish this.

Pan reached down, grabbed me by the shirt, and held me up in the air. "Are you okay?" she said quietly. "You usually have me beat by now."

I moaned. "Shut up..." I said angrily.

I kicked Pan in the chest with both of my feet, did a back-flip, and was free. Now was time to finish this crap. I got in my stance for my favorite move... Only one word in my head. ".....Ka... me... ha... me.."

Pan blinked in shock. "Are you crazy!? Not here!!!" she shouted frantically.

I smiled weakly. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

My hands burst with massive amounts of energy, and Pan was too close to avoid it. I heard the announcer say something like "Not again" as he made a run for it. My Kamehameha reached Pan and she let out a scream.

When the smoke cleared, I saw Pan in a blocking position... and standing out of the ring. The crowd was silent, the only sound heard was my own heart and my panting. I did a lot of damage to the door way to the waiting room and its roof. It was... kinda on fire.

I looked over at Grandpa Vegeta. His expression was a mix of pride and nervousness. Basically he was saying, "Uh... Great job."

I might have won, but I was furious. Pan had less power than me and she was kicking my butt. I looked at myself in disgust; I should have been untouched with no scratches. But I was dirty and had cuts and bruises everywhere.

The announcer came out from hiding behind a palm tree. "Oh uh... L-Looks like Tora wins!!" he announced nervously. The crowd didn't cheer.

I walked slowly out of the ring and was making my way back to the waiting room, and as I passed by Pan, she whispered, "I-Its okay. Good job..."

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now