Chapter 3

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Shay-z's POV:

Goku had led me to a huge building. What was worse, it was surrounded by other buildings. Goku landed quickly, while I hovered a few feet off the ground, ready to make a fast getaway if necessary.

Goku went over to greet the people we'd come to, who were standing in front of the house. One of them had a huge power level that they didn't feel like hiding, and there were a couple of levels that felt like almost nothing.

I kept looking at their bright faces when they saw Goku, and their confused ones when they looked at me.

Their was a woman with blue hair, who didn't have much of a power level at all, a man with black hair almost sticking straight up, his power level enormous, and a girl who looked about my age, with short blue hair, and a power level that was, average. I knew she was masking it, and it looked like there had just been a fight, seeing the hole in the wall and everything.


Goku startled me from my thoughts. I looked at him, ready to fly off.

"They're not going to hurt you!" he yelled, his expression serious. I believed him, because he was the kind of person that takes in a stranger without a second thought, and he hadn't given me a reason not to trust him.

I closed the gap between me and the ground, took a deep breath, and forced my legs to move forward. I stood slightly behind Goku, not wanting to get too close to the others.

"Well, who's this?" asked the older woman.

When I didn't answer, Goku answered for me. "Her name is Shay-z, and boy is she strong!" he said. "I found her in the desert training, and I thought I'd bring her here."

I waved.

"She looks a little like you, Kakarot," said the man with hair standing on end.

I gave him a puzzled look, and then looked Goku in the face. The only resemblance I saw was our black hair, but his was sticking up all over the place.

"Maybe a little," Goku said.

"So you're strong?" asked the girl about my age. "My name's Tora. Fight me.

I gave her a puzzled look, again. "Right now?"

"Yup!" she said smiling.

I looked at Goku, who nodded his head, encouraging me.

"Show them what you're made of," he said.


We flew to a field so that no more damage would be done to the house. The guy with the hair standing straight up, Goku told me was Vegeta, carried the woman, who Goku told me was named Bulma, and Goku flew next to me. Tora was in front, picking out the best spot.

We landed and Goku had Bulma and Vegeta take a few steps away from us.

"Ready?" asked Tora, already in a stance.

I nodded. "I'm sorry in advance if I hurt you."

"Don't worry about it, I got a thick skull," she said, knocking on her head.

I smiled, and didn't bother with a stance at all.

"Battle begin!" Goku yelled.

I charged up my energy in an instant, and Tora looked a little shocked when she felt my power level.

"Whoa!" She said.

I smirked. Sometimes I had a problem with losing myself in a fight and going all out. There was one fight I don't remember any of. It was one when I woke up in a bed somewhere with people looking down on me. I never found out what happened.

I dropped my power a little, and Tora took that as an opportunity to attack.

She caught me off guard and tackled me to the ground. I made a ball of energy in my hand and shot it at her.

She jumped off of me and deflected it away from all of us, into a pond. The water blew up behind her and made it rain a little. It was kind of pretty.

I jumped up and took to the air. I couldn't use the Scissor Attack out here; it had too big a range, and would wipe out the city. I went with my gut, and started increasing my energy.

I screamed and felt my hair move, thinking it was only the wind, I didn't bother. Then it blew in front of my face, and I saw that my hair was a golden blonde color.

That, of course, scared me half to death, and I fell to the ground.

Tora ran over to me. "Woah!" she said, "You're Saiyan like they are?"

I sat up. "A.... Saiyan?"

I looked to Goku, who had a shocked expression on his face.

Vegeta only smirked. I gave him a curious look.

"Saiyan's are the strongest race to ever live, and our numbers are dwindling down to us few. I'm surprised there's another one out there."

"I guess I wasn't the only one sent to earth," Goku said.

"I believe you were," Vegeta said, "Some of them might have escaped Planet Vegeta's demise and landed on earth, forgetting their ways and pretending to live as Earthlings."

"I didn't know there were female Super Saiyan's though," Goku said.

"Most girls just never tried. It was thought impossible for a long time."

"That's true," Goku thought aloud.

Tora held out her hand, and I took it. She helped me up, and then said, "You wanna keep going?"


"Yeah. I may be no match for a Super Saiyan, but I can still try and get stronger from the training."

I smiled. "Alright."

She lunged at me, putting me in a head lock. I raised my energy, and she flew right off. She threw a kai blast, but that bounced right off of me.

"Man, I can't touch you!" she yelled.

I took her moment of comprehension and used it to my advantage. I made a kai blast in my hand behind my back, and then threw it at her at full speed. She didn't have time to dodge, and it hit her in the shoulder.

She fell back onto the ground, and I walked over to her. Her shoulder was a little bloody, but I knew it wasn't enough to kill her; I'd made sure of that.

She reached over for a piece of her white shirt that had fallen off and waved it in the air, a white flag of surrender.

I held out my hand and helped her up, then took the piece of her shirt from her and dipped it in the pond. Then I wiped off her wound and tied my jacket around her shoulder.

"Thanks," she said.

I nodded and powered down until my black hair came back. I sat on the ground and felt a hand mess up my hair. I looked up to see Goku, smiling down at me.

"Congrats," he said, and then pulled me up.

I felt exhausted, and Goku seemed to notice. "How many times have you done that?"

"Twice?"I guessed.

"That's why you seem so wiped out."

I just shrugged.

They all seemed to be amused with how powerful I was, and I told them it was from being separated from my parents and living on my own. They seemed sympathetic when I told them about it. Of course, I don't do sympathy, so I didn't look at them when they tried to apologize. That was one of the things about life I didn't understand. Why do people apologize when it's not their fault?

We went back to the big house, and this time I saw a name on the side of it: Capsule Corp.

"Can Shay-z stay over tonight, Grandma?" Tora asked after we'd arrived. "She doesn't have anywhere else to go."

"Oh, Alright," Bulma answered. "Only until she has somewhere to go and live on her own."

"Can I stay too?"

"Ask your parents."

And then Tora raced to the nearest phone available, leaving me stranded in the living room.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu