Chapter 3 Firm and Flexible

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When we love ourselves, our souls and others, then we are firm as to what to do in life. We know what is right and what is wrong and we keep to it.  But how do we know what to do? How do we know what is right and what is wrong? We have a moral gauge called a soul, which is referred to as the light of God, in Proverbs. Thus, the soul is our moral gauge measuring our deeds and intentions against God's will and commandments. This is regardless of whether you believe in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, or if you are an atheist, a Buddhist, or have any other religion, or lack thereof, on earth. Each person has a soul, each person's soul serves the same purpose and each person's soul has the same core desire.
We all know the difference between right and wrong because we all have the same moral gauge. There is however something that we all need to understand. "For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin " - Romans 14:23
Romans 2:12 points out that if you did not know the law of God when you died, then you will not be judged according to the law of God, thus you will be judged according to your 'faith'; according to what you believed was right and wrong, because this is still influenced and determined by your soul.
As we can see, we all know what is right and what is wrong. It is our choice to remain firm in continuing to do what is right. When we love ourselves, our souls and others, we remain firm in what to do.

The reason it is so important to remain firm within ourselves, is because we lead by example. My book: "The value of persuasion" explains this in more detail.

Now that we know what not to compromise on, what should we compromise on? We must be flexible in how to do things in life. We should not insist on our own way. This means that if one person colours a picture in in sequence, from left to right, then we are not to tell them that they have to color it in from top to bottom. As long as the picture is being colored in, what difference does it make in how that goal is reached?
Note that morals and values fall under what to do, thus you would not do things in a fraudulent manner, as fraud constitutes a what, not a how.

The how to do things also applies to which routes to take when driving, how fast you drive constitutes a what, thus the correct thing to do is keep to the speed limit in order to uphold a given law.

I have witnessed countless arguments over how to do things, and to what end? Most people are firm in how to do things and flexible in what to do, the perfect recipe for chaos, pain, suffering and strife. There really is no point in insisting on your own way.

Accomplish the what instead of arguing over the how.

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