Chapter 1 Patient, kind, modest

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Patience is being content to wait if necessary. It is not losing one's temper while waiting. It is constant in persuit or exertion. It is persevering and calmly diligent.

How often do we give up on something we hope for, when we don't receive it in the time frame we feel we should receive it? How many times do we give up on people when we assist them in difficulties they go through, when we feel like they're not learning quickly enough according to our standards? If we are patient, then we would wait until people learn what they are supposed to from their difficulties, regardless of how long it takes. We can see and recognise when they start to change, which means they are in the process. But if we become impatient with them, then we give up on them before the process is completed, which means the growth is stemmed and may never again be stimulated.
Being diligent in our work and lives makes us successful. It means that we are thorough and persevering. We do all that we can, which is in our power to do, and then we wait for the results and rewards of our hard work.

When we treat someone with patience, we never give up on them and we never demean them because they're 'slow' compared to us. It is said in Proverbs that those who measure themselves against others lack understanding. So don't measure and judge others by your standards, simply persevere by being patient.

Kindness is affectionate. It is charitable, pleasing, encouraging and approving. It is useful or helpful. Kindness is being mild, gentle and forgiving.
Being affectionate does not refer to physical touch, it means that we show love through our deeds. Being kind means we do that which pleases others, regardless of our feelings about doing it. Remember however, that it doesn't include doing that which goes against your values; firm in what to do, flexible in how to do it. By showing kindness we encourage others in what they want to achieve and when they achieve a goal, even the smallest one possible, we commend them for it. Positive re-enforcement builds people up. It is approving of the person and their actions when they do what is correct and good, and telling them that they did well. Verbal commendation is also an action. By being kind, we choose to help others, especially when in need, but not only when they are in need. It is being willing to do things that assist others, without them even having to ask.
The way in which we treat and speak to others when we are being kind is in a mild and gentle tone. It means you are not harsh or rash, regardless of the emotional state you are in at any given moment.
Forgiveness is usually one of the most difficult parts of being kind, especially when it comes to forgiving yourself, but we have to show all aspects of love for ourselves, in order that we may show and feel it, for others.

Being modest means we don't brag or give loud positive appraisal of ourselves. It means we don't speak of ourselves with pride, vanity or exaltation. It means we don't see ourselves as worth more than others. In fact, we know what our true value is and that it still doesn't place us above anyone else on earth, as we are all the same. We are all human. Regardless of our position, rank or wealth, at the end of the day, when we die, we all stand before one Being, with nothing but our bare souls, answering to our Maker.
Thus, who are we to judge, when we are to be judged still.

Being patient, kind and modest is quite a challenge, but if we can place ourselves, our will and desires, second to everyone else's (except God's), then we can begin to show love to others.

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