Chapter 5 Truthful

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When you live according to the values of love, you do not rejoice with wrong doing. Wrong doing is violating standards of behavior. Meaning you do not enjoy seeing, hearing or doing that which violates standards of behaviour.

You do however rejoice with the truth. You are truthful and faithful, and enjoy behaving in this manner.

Being truthful means you never lie, not even a fib. You are honest at all times. This does not mean you disclose all information you have about others, to others, especially when they do wrong. When you disclose the wrongs other people do, you are rejoicing in wrong doing.

The discerning knows what to say and what not to say, when to say it and when not to say it. Therefore, being honest means you are truthful when you have to speak, but you do not volunteer information about other people's wrongs, you take it up with the person themselves.

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