Chapter 4 Insensitive

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Being insensitive in the sense of being selfless. It means you are not irritable. You are not easily exasperated or excited.
By being insensitive to stimuli and not being irritable, means that you are not controlled by your emotional responses, but that you control your emotional responses. Those who are driven by emotion often do foolish and senseless things. Being insensitive does not mean you lack compassion, it means you lack irritability.

Another value of steadfast love is not taking things personally.
It means you're not resentful. You don't exhibit displeasure or indignation at words, acts, etc. It means you don't take everything in the negative sense, you don't consider virtually everything as an injury or affront and become indignant at it. All of this comes from taking things personally.

Once we truly understand that everything everyone does is because of who they are, then it becomes easy not to be irritable and resentful. People don't become angry because of something I did, they become angry because of how they perceive what I did. Thus, it is not because of what I do, but because of who they are, that people respond as they do.

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