Chapter 6 Accepting, Trusting and Hopeful

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When we bear all things it means that we accept to take things upon ourselves. It means that when turbulence comes, we stand strong through it. We do not waver and we do not fret or doubt, we simply bear it, by choice. We accept what others do or say, to or about us and still treat them with patience, kindness, gentleness and respect.

Trust is when we believe all things. We accept things as true, particularly without proof. We accept that someone is telling the truth. We believe in a greater truth, in God. When we hear of a miracle, we do not doubt whether it was done, because we cannot conceive the greatness of it, we simply accept it as true. Yes, people do lie, but our souls will alert us to lies (see my book: The value of persuasion). When our souls doesn't alert us, then it is the truth, regardless of whether you can fathom HOW it is possible. God is not a man, therefore He often does that which goes beyond our comprehension and we need to keep our faith in God and the things He does.

When we hope all things we have the belief or expectation that something wished for can and will happen. It is the virtuous desire for future good. When we do not hope for anything, we receive nothing.

Acceptance brings peace within ourselves about people and situations.
Trusting in God's truth brings knowledge, wisdom, understanding and insight.
Hope from within brings forth future good. Without desire, we have no need for hope and without hope, we have no need to live and with no need to live, we feel worthless and life seems pointless. This is usually the point where people become depressed and suicidal. Therefore: hope keeps us alive.

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