Epilogue (Ending 2)

Start from the beginning

"Well, I guess. You look so much different. But good thing you changed, huh? I told you didn't I? Road racing is a nice sport," she gave him her usual cheeky smile.

His cheeks felt warm.

"Arakita your cheeks are red," Fukutomi came with the rest of the team.

"Fuku-chan! Don't say something embarrassing like this!"

"Why?" Fukutomi asked with a neutral expression.

"Oh my lady. Are you here to see me? Toudou Jinpachi?" Toudou was posing in front of her. Arakita would've liked to choke Toudou with his headband.

"Nope. No idea," she popped the 'p'. 

Arakita laughed and so did the rest of the team except Fukutomi and her, while Toudou looked angry. Toudou took a step towards her and looked down at her as best as he could:

"Then you better remember! I'm dazzling even when you close your eyes."

She scooted closer to Arakita and whispered: 

"Is he always like this?"

Her sudden closeness and her breath tickling his ear, made him jump up, looking away he answered:

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"What do you mean unfortunately? Yeah, I heard that!" Toudou added when he saw Arakita and her face.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are you all out here?" Manami asked, coming late as always.

"Manami!" Toudou shouted, "You're late again! How are you going to surpass me?"

"Ah Toudou. You told me to ride freely, didn't you?"

"I-I did but that doesn't mean you can come whenever you want! Right, Fukutomi?"

Fukutomi nodded,

"Manami," Fuku only needed to say.

"Ah, I'm sorry captain!" Manami instantly apologised.

Arakita was about to say something when she laughed.

"Haha, this is a nice team," she said once she composed herself. 

Then she continued to look at him and said:

"I'm glad you finally found a place where you belong to!"

"Hah? What the hell are you talk-" however he wasn't able to finish.

"Yasutomo she's right," Shinkai said while munching a snack. He was starting to get angry.

"Stop laying your arm around my shoulder," he barked.

"Uhum, yes Arakita made great improvement," Fuku praised him. 

Arakita turned red and mumbled:


"Abs," Izumida nodded. 

Manami however was fuzzing around (F/N) who curiously looked back at Manami:

"Oh," she said, "your hair is twitching! How cute!"

Arakita and everyone around thought the same:

'Cute? Not weird? That's definitely not normal! His hair has a life of its own!'

"Oi Manami what the hell do you think you are doing?" Arakita yelled at Manami.

'He's too close to her and she's blushing! Don't go around and blush for other guys! Stupid girl!

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