Chapter 54- Storm

Start from the beginning

I'm already screwed... but hell if I'm going under easy.

Her eyes flashed as she looked over the four boys standing ahead of her, even across the field she could hear them breathing heavily, and she knew very well there Magic Energy supplies were very near depleted, though they seemed about ready to jump in again. She could also feel their agitation sparking, and pain too. She may have been hitting them harder than she usually would, but she couldn't help herself from pushing harder than she usually would against them. They weren't holding back, and hardly was she herself.

But they're tired, I can tell from here.

She took in a small breath, for a minute her gaze swept up toward the painted indigo and blue sky overhead, for a moment she was surprised, she hadn't been aware the day had come to a close so quickly.

She let out a small sigh and let her eyes close, settling her energy as best she could and moving out of an aggressive stance.

Perhaps tomorrow she'll have Mira or Erza brawl with her, they would be more of a challenge against her, and she wouldn't need to hold back with them.

She sweatdropped slightly, if she were to battle with either of those two, this clearing may not be enough of a battleground. They may have to move outside of Magnolia to avoid damaging the town or the Guild Hall.

For a small moment she wondered if she ought to ask Laxus for a brawl, perhaps as a chance for that rematch they had never gotten around to. A small ghost of a smirk appeared on her lips for a split second before it was gone.

"... That's it for today boys." She called, earning surprised and narrowed eyes from the four of them collectively. "I think we've had enough, I suppose you're all tired, and hungry. So let's go inside and settle down, we'll pick back up later."

"We ain't that tired." Natsu shot back,

"We can keep goin', Silver." Gajeel grumbled, she sighed silently.

"Fine then, I'm tired. And I'm hungry, so we're done." She replied easily, they stiffened a little, but otherwise didn't argue again and relented.

"Alright.." Frea nodded and turned toward the watching group, eyes falling as she approached them with the four boys in tow behind her.

"Wow, you guys were really going at it." Lucy smiled a little nervously,

"You've certainly been at it for hours on end, I'm impressed you kept going so long." Moon murmured,

"Especially at the rate you were expending your energy and Magic." Lily agreed lowly,

"You're all really, really strong." Wendy mumbled, looking a little downcast, but smiling none-the-less.

"Mmm." Some of the boys grumbled upon hearing Wendy's small comment, their eyes flicked toward Frea as they sweatdropped.

"Will you be heading back to your studying then?" Erza asked, her eyes on Frea who nodded slightly.

"I still have a lot of work to do in translating as much as I can, so after I get some food I'll get back to it." Frea murmured, looking less than thrilled at the idea, but she'd do it, regardless of how frustrating and tedious it was. She much preferred the training and the brawling, but looking through those books that old Geezer of a Wizard Saint had given her was probably worth the time, especially if she wanted any chance of understanding, maybe, what she was up against.

A part of her was consciously searching for anything having to do with ancient sites of Magic such as Hilshine and Nvindorr, or any mention of what Magic they held, or how many more there were. She was also trying to find anything that could help her figure out what it was that Thing is anyway. But these answers were far from being discovered, there seemed to be nothing.

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