Filming glee

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Once Lea and Cory had got to the studio they got their new scripts where Rachel goes all the way to McKinley to see Finn and announce she is pregnant. They read their lines to themselves "these lines are awesome!!!!" Lea said smiling wide "yes they are" Cory said laughing at her excitement "someone's excited" Lea looked at Cory and kissed him the fans will be so happy Rachel is still on the show but let's pretend I'm nor for now it's fun winding them up so she decided to tweet "hey gleeks I'm sat here watching glee getting filmed since I'm not aloud to anymore" Cory read the tweet and tweeted Lea back "miss you ms michele" the gleeks went crazy and retweeted the tweets and commented before getting mad at Ryan. Lea sat laughing as she read the tweets of the gleeks "uh oh Ryan's in trouble" she said to Cory "gleeks gone mad" Cory asked and Lea nodded.

Just as they began to film Ryan walked over to them "why are gleeks having a go at me on twitter?" He asked "well I'm not aloud on glee anymore so they are angry and telling you of" Lea said trying not to giggle "ok then ms michele your evil" Ryan said but then hugged her "they will be surprised when they see this episode then" Lea nodded and began to film. Lea and Cory where enjoying filming as they where having a laugh. "I can't wait till our next scan" Lea said when they where on a break "same" Cory said agreeing with Lea they both just wanted to know if they where having a boy or a girl "what are you wanting" Lea asked "me wants a little Lea" Cory replied "you" he asked "me wants a little Cory" Lea said "but as long as they are heathy what does it matter a heathy Monteith baby" she smiled at Cory who smiled back "our heathy Monteith baby" he said. Ryan walked over to them guys stop being all lovey and get back on set your both needed in the choir room. Lea and Cory nodded and quickly walked to the choir room to do their last scene of the day before going home.

When they got home they watched some tv and opened some mail again opening some fan mail Lea read it to herself a fan had sent them some I ship Finchel baby grows in white pink and blue "look at these Cory" Lea said holing the white one up "there's a pink and blue one too not that they know what we are having or how many we are having yet" Cory laughed looking at them "aww our fans are so sweet" he took a photo of them and posted the on twitter tweeting "look what the fans sent my baby thank you gleeks" Cory looked at Lea "you hungry baby momma" he asked "I'll cook for you whatever you want" "Yes please" Lea replied "vegan please" Cory nodded before going and making Lea her food and coming back giving Lea it and she ate it "I think bumpy liked that food" Lea said after she had finished her food "it was really nice Cory" she smiled "your welcome Lea I'm glad you and bumpy enjoyed it" Cory said smiling.

After they had eaten and finished watching tv they decided to go to bed cuddling up and putting a DVD on "love you Cory" Lea said smiling wide "love you too Lea" Cory said happy "I also defiantly love bumpy" Cory said before kissing Lea's lips. "I love bumpy too" Lea said putting a hand on her small bump "but being pregnant makes me sleepy" Lea said closing her eyes before softly snoring fast asleep. Cory smiled watching his girl sleep for a bit before kissing the bump and cuddling into her and falling asleep himself.

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