John Murphy - Holding Onto You - Requested

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Hullo people. This was requested by a friend who would, for some reason, like to be anonymous. It's terrible and short but oh well.

"Murphy, please! Wait!" I yell after him, running to catch up. "Why are you doing this to me?"

He looked at me, ice forming in his eyes and his jaw tight. "What? What am I doing to you, (Y/N)? What exactly am I doing to you? Last time I checked, you were the one who wanted me to leave!"

"What..? Why would you think that? I- I love you, John. Please.. please don't leave me! I need you!" Tears were forming in my eyes and I grabbed onto his arm. He shrugged it off of him and started walking away. I fell to my knees, sobbing into my hands. "P-p-please, John. Why are you doing this t-to me! WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID I DO!" I cried harder, yelling after him.

He turned back to look at me, his eye's softening slightly, before turning harder. "I guess you must have forgot, you can't trust me."

"Fine! If you're gonna leave me, you might as well NEVER come back! I-if I EVER see your face again..." I trailed off continuing to sob. "I-I-" I lost it, I couldn't form words. It felt like ripped out my heart and crushed it in his hands. "No, please," I whispered, almost inaudibly. "Please don't leave me..."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, before a warm embrace. I cried harder. "J-John p-ple-ease d-don't g-gooo. I-I l-loove you s-so mu-uch." I cried so hard I almost couldn't speak. 

"Trust me, darling. You'll be better off without me." he said, stroking my hair.

"H-how could you say that!!" I sniffled, "I don't think c-could live without you! Please stay." I whispered the last part into his chest, my tears were coming less often, but none-the-less, still pouring down my face.

He pulled away and looked at my red and puffy face. He started wiping my tears away with his thumb. "How could you love someone like me, (Y/N)?"

"How couldn't I?" I whispered in reply. I hugged him tighter, not wanting him to let go. He got up, helping me up with him.

"It's dangerous. Where I'm going." He said, trying to get me to stay.

"It's dangerous where we are now." I counteracted him.

"There's sand and heat and.... bombs. You don't like any of those things."

"I'll have you to keep me safe, right?"

"Chancellor Jaha is leading the group." That made me froze. My fists and jaw clenched tightly as I heard his name. My eyes turned into what could be described as slits as I looked at him.

"What," I said, anger spilling over my voice. "What did you just say?"

"Jaha.... he's leading the group." He looked at me with his famous emotionless look.

"Why- WHY can't you just stay here?!? With me! With resources!" I threw up my arms and started pacing.

"Because.. everyone hates me here a-" I interrupted him.

"I  don't hate you! Isn't that enough for you!?!? Am I not enough for you?!" 

"WELL, WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T?" He yelled at me in the midst of his rage, clearly angry.

I looked at him, shock spreading throughout my face. My limbs froze. "Am... am I not enough for you, John?" His eyes widened as he realized what he said and started shaking his head.

"Hey now I di-" I stopped him once more.

"WELL AM I OR AM I NOT, JOHN? IT'S A SIMPLE QUESTION." Anger boiled my blood and, in that moment, I no longer cared if he left or not. "I GUESS THAT'S WHY YOU'RE TRYING TO LEAVE ISN'T IT?" I walked up to him, my eyes shooting daggers. "WELL, THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO?" I pushed his chest. "MAYBE YOU'LL FIND YOUR NEW MISSING HALF ON YOUR ADVENTURE." I pushed him again, and he stumbled. "JUST. GO!" I pushed him again with all my strength, and he fell.

He got back up and swung his fist at me, making me flinch. It stopped inches away from my head. I looked up at him, fear and anger creeping into my eyes. He clenched his fist harder and dropped it. "See... I told you that you'd want me to go...." He said, walking away.

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PUSH PEOPLE AWAY YOU ASSHOLE. PEOPLE LEARN TO LOVE YOU AN-AND YOU RUN. SO FINE, RUN THEN JOHN. BUT-" I stopped for a second, before returning to my normal tone. "But if you do come back, remember I- I'll be waiting for you."

"Why?" He said, not daring to turn around and look at me.

"Because after it all, I still love you. I love you more than anyone I've ever known." I walked over to him and hugged him lightly from behind, he flinched. I dropped my bracelet in his hand. It was the last thing my dad gave to me, he made it himself. "Just-just promise me you'll remember me?"

"Of course." He turned around in my arms and looked down at me.

I leaned up and kissed him, subconsciously hoping it'd make him stay. 

"Take care of yourself, John. For me."

He nodded and leaned towards my ear. "In case I never see you again.... I-I love you too, (Y/N)." He kissed me on the cheek one more time before turning around and walking away. I just hoped this wouldn't be the last time I heard those words from him.


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