Draco Malfoy - Quidditch Fail

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It was Quidditch season of my fourth year at Hogwarts. The air around me held a frosty chill that showed whenever I exhaled as I sat outside on the Quidditch bleachers, slightly shivering from lack of winter clothing. I loved to go here in my spare time I had away from the school, even though it was, at times, freezing. Although it didn't bother me too much, I was always sent to the infirmary because of a cold. Madam Pomfrey was always after me about dressing warmly before going outside, but I usually ignored her. She was definitely going to be mad the next time I come in, though.

I wrapped my green and silver scarf a bit tighter around my neck and looked down at the book that was currently on my lap. I was researching about werewolves for an essay in defense against the dark arts that was assigned to us by Professor Snape. I honestly wasn't putting too much effort into it as I should, but at least I was doing something. As I started reading once again, the sound of someone walking across the field made me look up. It was none other than Draco Malfoy. I knew everyone disliked him, especially Gryffindor students, but I didn't mind him. Personally, I thought he was actually pretty cute, but that didn't matter. Sure he was nice to me, but it was a rarity that we ever spoke. I remember once I dropped my books in the hall and he helped me pick them up, which was actually far from what I would expect from him.

I snap out of my thoughts and look back down at him. Currently, he was mounting his broom, I assume for practicing for Quidditch. He released the snitch and flew into the air after it. He had a determined look on his face as he closed in on the snitch, one arm outstretched. He grabbed it, and a noise of triumph escaped his lips. He had a grin on his face as he slowly flew to the ground. I smiled and started clapping. I forgot he didn't know I was there, as the noise startled him and he crashed to the ground. My hands flew over my mouth in shock and I started my descent down the bleachers. Once I reached him I knelt down in front of him and made sure he was alright.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, are you okay, Draco?" I spoke to him, my words getting faster as my face heated up more.

"I'm fine, thanks." He said in a slightly cold tone.

"I really am sorry......" I said in a quiet tone, "I could help you to the infirmary if you'd like....." I sat on my knees still, looking down at my clasped hands. He sat in front of me, his hands supporting him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him turn to me and frown.

"It's not your fault I crashed, (Y/N)." He said, trying to be nice.

"It kind of is...." I said, looking up into his grey eyes. I got up onto my feet and outstretched my hand to him. "Would you like some help up?" He took my hand and pulled himself to his feet. I saw him wince and shift his weight to his right leg. "You probably sprained your ankle, Draco. Let's get you to the infirmary.... Come on." I say. I walked around him and stood on his left side, wrapping my arm under his own arm to help him walk. He didn't say anything, but I could've sworn I saw him blush.

"Wait." He gulped, "What about my broom?" I sighed and grabbed it off the ground.

"What are we gonna do with it? Carry it all the way back to Hogwarts?"

"I'll carry it." He said, taking it from my hand and holding it in his right hand. I resumed my position on his left side and we continued walking towards the castle. About halfway there I stopped.

"Why don't you just use your broom as a walking stick?" I said, looking up at his face, which turned red. "What?" I said grinning. "I don't suppose you like having me this close to you, do you?" His face went redder.

"Now what would make you think that?" He said in his normal tone, his face growing even redder.

"Nothing." I smirked, "Let's just get you up to Madam Pomfrey." We continued walking up to the castle. Once inside we started climbing the stairs up to the infirmary. Along the way, we saw a few people and heard a few whispers. I blushed at a few of the things I overheard but said nothing. "Okay, we're here, Draco," I said to him and sat him in a bed. "I'll go get Madam Pomfrey." I turned and started walking away before I felt him grab my hand. I look back at him with a questioning look.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He said quietly.

"It's no problem," I replied with a smile. His hand dropped away from mine and I went and got Madam Pomfrey.

After she was done with the diagnosis, which, as suspected, was a sprained ankle, she took me aside where Draco couldn't hear us.

"I'd like to thank you, ya know." She said in a slight whisper.

"For what, Madam Pomfrey?" I said, confused.

"You make that boy polite! First time I've ever heard him say thank you to me! It's a miracle I tell you." She said, shaking her head in disbelief. After that she walked away, I think to tend to another student.

I walked up to Draco's bed, where he was asleep, and sat down in a chair next to him. I smiled at how cute he looked. His platinum blond hair was a mess and he was curled up on his side hugging another pillow. I smiled once more and bent down and kissed him softly on the forehead, and when I pulled back, I saw his mouth form into a grin. His eyes opened and he sat up. I went to say something but he just pulled me closer to him and planted a kiss on my lips. I noticed how his lips were warm and soft as I kissed him back. I pulled away, blushing, and looked down at my hands. A grin was forming on my face as I looked back up at his also smiling face. I swear I saw a twinkle in his eyes. He pulled me in for another kiss, and I gladly accepted.

Well there you go guys, I updated!! Are you proud of me? I'm proud of me. It's pretty rushed and terrible, though. But oh well... I'd like to thank you all for 1,170 reads!!! Have a lovely night folks. Stay beautiful ;)
- Kassey

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