Draco Malfoy - Love is Painful

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Hello, everyone! Yes, I'm back with even more Draco because yes. So in this story, it'll be kind of progression of years that you and Draco know each other mixed with a Draco narrative. It's also in Draco's Point of view, so I hope you like that too. Just a slight warning, if you're looking for a short oneshot this is not for you. This is about 5000 words, which is like 4x the length of my normal oneshots. The end is a bit rushed, also plot twist, and just... I don't know. It's okay I guess, but that's just me. I hope you like it anyways, though! Enjoy!!!

Draco's POV:

> Love is a surprising thing that happens in many ways. Sometimes it follows through and you get your happy ending. Other times, love can be a cruel and vicious thing that goes after what you hold most precious. It can take your heart and rip it in two. Most people would say I don't even have a heart, but (Y/N) could see it. She always saw the good in me, no matter what. I just wish I could have done something more for her. 

-------- 1st year --------

It wasn't surprising that I was going to Hogwarts. I was, after all, a pureblood and I was part of a very powerful and rich family, so there was no reason that I wouldn't be in Hogwarts. I smiled and looked out the window of the train. Crabbe and Goyle were across from me, probably bickering about something. I didn't really care if I'm being honest.

*knock knock knock*

I turn my attention from the window to the girl standing at the entrance to the cabin. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair and a nervous smile on her face. Her (E/C) eyes looked at me with curiosity and shyness.  

"Umm... excuse me? I was wondering if I could sit in here with you guys..? All of the other cabins are full and I have nowhere else to sit..." She said, her voice small and quiet.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I wasn't willing to take any chances about her being a mudblood, so I had to be sure first.

"(Y/N) Greene. If my blood status is what you're so worried about, I'm a pureblood." She said, frowning in disapproval.

"Ah, I think I've heard of your family. In fact, I think we've met once..." I trailed off, the memory flashing into my mind.

"Does that mean I can sit here?" She said, her voice no longer quiet. I snapped out of my thoughts, I could tell she was growing impatient. I nodded my head and scooted over slightly.

She sat down next to me and crossed her legs, looking over at Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Sorry, what're your names?" She said politely to them both.

"These are Crabbe and Goyle." I said, slightly motioning to each. She looked confused.

"Sorry I don't mean to sound rude, but which one's which?" she frowned.

"I'm Crabbe, this is Goyle." Crabbe spoke up.

"Ah, I see. Nice to meet you both." She smiled a fake smile and stuck out her hand. They both shook it consecutively and went back to talking about stupid things.

Between her and I there was an awkward silence. I looked over at her as she pulled a book out of her bag. Oh great, I thought, she's probably a Ravenclaw. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, enjoying the view for about an hour before growing bored. I looked back over at her to find she was asleep. She was curled up in the corner of her seat, book in her lap, unopened, and her eyes closed. I decided to let her sleep and turned my attention back to the window. She'll wake up sometime.. right?

*Flash forward to arriving at Hogwarts*

I couldn't believe she slept through the entire train ride! I sighed, poking her in the side. She jolted right up with an ice cold glare. I guess it's safe to say she doesn't like being woken up.

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